
Nigeria’s Christian Leaders Urge Authorities to “recognize urgency of economic challenges”

Logo of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN)/ Credit: CAN

Representatives of Christians leaders in Nigeria under the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) are calling upon those with leadership roles in the West African nation to recognize the fact that the economic challenges in the country need to be resolved with “urgency”.

In their Lenten message issued Wednesday, February 14, the representatives of Christian leaders, who include representatives of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) emphasize the need for action to alleviate people's pain. 

“I urge our leaders at all levels of governance to recognize the urgency of the economic challenges facing our nation and to take concrete action in providing support for individuals facing economic hardship,” they say in the message that CAN President, Archbishop Daniel Okoh, signed. 

They call for “solidarity and commitment to create a more inclusive and compassionate society where the burdens of the marginalized are alleviated and their voices are heard.”

The representatives of Christian leaders say, “As we embark on this Lenten journey, our hearts are drawn to the plight of many who struggle to make ends meet.”


“We long for a Nigeria where every individual is afforded the opportunity to thrive, and where our leaders prioritize the well-being of the most vulnerable in our society,” CAN members say in the message issued on Ash Wednesday.

They remind Nigeria's Christians about the importance of the Lenten Season, saying, “Today, as we mark the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday, we are reminded of the solemnity of this period and the significance it holds for our faith and our society.”

“The ashes placed on our foreheads serve as a reminder of our mortality, our humble origin, and how the body of the first man, our forefather Adam, was formed from the earth,” the representatives of Christian leaders in Africa’s most populous nation say.

They describe Lent as a time to “grieve for our sins and the sins of our nation and to seek the face of the Lord for forgiveness and restoration.”

“During this time of self-examination and sacrifice, we are called to contemplate the ways in which we can contribute to the well-being of others, as Christ, our Lord, would do,” CAN members say in their message issued February 14.

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Magdalene Kahiu is a Kenyan journalist with passion in Church communication. She holds a Degree in Social Communications from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Currently, she works as a journalist for ACI Africa.