
Use Means of Communication to “guide families, educate children”: Angolan Apostolic Nuncio to Journalists

Archbishop Germano Penemote. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Archbishop Germano Penemote, a member of the Clergy of Angola’s Ondjiva Diocese, has urged journalists to use the means of communication to “guide families and educate children.”

In his homily during a visit to his native Diocese of Ondjiva, the Vatican diplomat, who serves as Apostolic Nuncio in Pakistan called for objective, transparent and responsible journalism that informs and educates.

“Make good use of the means of communication at your disposal, and use them to guide families, educate children and young people,” Archbishop Penemote said in his homily on May 12, this year’s 58th World Day of Social Communications Day (WCD) 2024, the annual event marked on the Sunday before Pentecost during which the Church celebrates the achievements of the communications media and how they can be engaged to promote gospel values.

More than anything else, he added, “make public those opportunities that are aimed at the development of all Angolans, because we are all Angolans and children of the same homeland.”      

“We must therefore pray that the media can play its role with due responsibility and, above all, that they are aware of what is part of the real life and problems of the population,” Archbishop Penemote further said during the Eucharistic celebration at Our Lady of Victory Cathedral of Ondjiva Diocese.


He urged journalists to “transmit the facts with mastery and knowledge of the facts, not to be afraid to tell the truth, to avoid manipulating information and to opt for the authentic deontology of communication, that is, to be impartial and objective in transmitting things.”

“Let no one envy those who continue and communicate the facts objectively and transparently; and let no one seek to monopolize the means and mechanisms needed to inform the public,” the Angolan Vatican diplomat who was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Pakistan in June 2023 said.

Information from media channels, he went on to say, “should always be news, an opinion or a recommendation and a reminder of useful events for audiences.” 

“News that doesn't reflect on people's lives and possessions or that tends to camouflage its facts is not what interests us, nor does it dignify journalism and the media,” Archbishop Penemote said on May 12.

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.