In the January 29 report detailing the deliberations of a January 20 online meeting that brought together ACWECA Board of Directors, Sr. Candiru says that the Secretary General acknowledged receipt of “a note of regret from the Association of Consecrated Women of Eritrea, (ACWE), citing connectivity challenges.”
The chairpersons from each national association along with the President of ACWECA form the ACWECA Board of Directors.
“They are totally not going to be left out since we are going to receive their report during the Plenary, only that they will lack direct participation,” Sr. Candiru, a member of the Missionary Sisters of Mary Mother of the Church (MSMMC) told ACI Africa referencing Consecrated Women in the Northeast African nation of Eritrea.
The Ugandan-born Sister added, “At the end, we are going to develop and publish a booklet containing the Plenary Assembly notes that we will share with them and help them know what we discussed during the meeting while they were away.”
During the planned virtual Plenary to be hosted by the Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya (AOSK), the leadership of the regional body and all member national associations “are expected to present activity reports for the past three years and these reports help the sisters to evaluate their lives and ministries,” Sr. Candiru notes in her report shared with ACI Africa.
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Council of delegates to take part in the planned Plenary Assembly will be expected to elect a new ACWECA President.
The Council of delegates is made up of Superiors General and Delegate Superiors from the countries of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. Zimbabwe is an associate member.
Inspired by the 1973 Plenary Assembly of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA), ACWECA’s pioneer members then known as “AMECEA Sisters” held their first conference in Nairobi in 1974.
The inaugural conference, which brought together delegates from Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia took place under the theme, “The Role of the Religious Women in Evangelization.”
The entity changed its name from “AMECEA Sisters” to Sisters of East Africa Study Conference (SEASC) in 1976 and to the Association of Consecrated Women in Eastern and Central Africa (ACWECA) in 2002.
According to the ACWECA Communications Director, the Nairobi-based association, which envisions an empowered Women Religious with enhanced evangelization tools, has a membership of at least 35,000 sisters from over 300 Congregations in Eastern and Central Africa.