

Pope Francis addresses the faithful during the Angelus address in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican, Sunday, Oct. 13, 2024. / Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis: "True wealth is being loved by God"

Oct 13, 2024

“Let us remember this: True wealth is not the goods of this world. True wealth is being loved by God and learning to love like him,” Francis said Oct. 13.

Pope Francis waves from a window of the Apostolic Palace at the crowds gathered in St. Peter's Square for his weekly Angelus address on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. / Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis: "True power is taking care of the weakest"

Sep 22, 2024

In his Angelus message at the Vatican on Sunday, Pope Francis said: “True power is taking care of the weakest; that makes you great.”

Speaking to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus prayer on Sept. 1, 2024, the pope called for peace in the Holy Land, urging the release of the remaining hostages and humanitarian aid for the polio outbreak in Gaza. The pope also expressed his closeness to the people of Burkina Faso after hundreds of people were killed in a terrorist attack there on Aug. 24. Afterwards the pope asked for prayers for his apostolic journey beginning tomorrow to Oceania and Southeast Asia. / Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis Urges Release of Hostages, Aid for Polio Outbreak in Gaza

Sep 1, 2024

The pope appealed for peace in Gaza and for humanitarian aid to continue and also expressed his closeness to the people of Burkina Faso after a terrorist attack there on Aug 24.

Pope Francis waves to pilgrims at the Vatican during the Sunday Angelus, August 18, 2024. / Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis Reflects with Wonder on "the miracle of the Eucharist"

Aug 18, 2024

Pope Francis said Sunday that the Eucharist is a “miracle” in which Jesus nourishes us with his life and satisfies the hunger in our hearts. 

Pope Francis greets pilgrims at the Sunday Angelus at the Vatican, August 11, 2024 / Vatican Media

Pope Francis: True faith Opens the Mind and the Heart

Aug 11, 2024

“Brothers and sisters, when faith and prayer are true, they open the mind and the heart; they do not close them,” Pope Francis said on Aug. 11.

Pope Francis addresses pilgrims in St. Peter's Square for the Sunday Angelus, Sunday, July 28, 2024. / Vatican Media

Pope Proposes Three Gestures from Gospel Miracle to Live at Mass

Jul 28, 2024

The pope pointed out “offering, giving thanks, and sharing” as highlights of the miracle recounted in the Gospel of John.

Pope Francis' brief remarks during the Angelus July 21, 2024, focused on the day’s Gospel passage from Mark, which demonstrates how rest and compassion for others go together. / Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis: In the Silence of Adoration We Receive God’s Grace

Jul 21, 2024

At his weekly Angelus, the pope told Catholics to beware of “the dictatorship of doing.”

Pope Francis waves to crowds before his noon Angelus address during a hot day in Rome on July 14, 2024. / Credit: Vatican Media

"Excess enslaves you," Pope Francis Warns Christians

Jul 14, 2024

Pope Francis addressed the problems of materialism in his Angelus reflection in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday.

On the last day of June, a month that the Catholic Church dedicates to the Sacred Heart, the pope asked people to continue praying for Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar, and other parts of the world where there is much suffering caused by war. / Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis Asks Sacred Heart of Jesus to Convert Hearts Who Want War

Jun 30, 2024

Pope Francis prayed for the intercession of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Sunday to convert “the hearts of those who want war” to projects of dialogue and peace.

Speaking in his Angelus address on March 3 about the Israel-Hamas war, Pope Francis made an emotional plea for negotiations to reach a deal that both frees the hostages immediately and grants civilians access to humanitarian aid. | Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis Urges "an immediate cease-fire in Gaza" that Frees Hostages, Grants Aid 

Mar 3, 2024

In his Angelus address on March 3, the pope made an emotional plea for a deal that both frees the hostages and grants humanitarian aid.

Pope Francis: Lent is a Time to "encounter wild beasts and angels"

Feb 18, 2024

On the first Sunday of Lent, Pope Francis focused his Angelus address on the temptation of Jesus in the desert.

Pope Francis delivers his Angelus address on Feb. 11, 2024. | Vatican Media

Pope on Our Lady of Lourdes Feast: The Church is Close to all who are Sick or Frail

Feb 11, 2024

Speaking on a rainy Sunday in Rome from the window of the Apostolic Palace to the crowd huddled under umbrellas below, the pope said that he wanted to express the closeness “of the entire Church to all those who are sick or frail.”

Pope Francis delivers his Sunday Angelus address at St. Peter's on Feb. 4, 2024. | Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis: ‘"God is always close to us" 

Feb 4, 2024

The pope observed today that Jesus, “after teaching in the synagogue, comes out so that the word he preached can reach, touch, and heal people.” 

Pope Francis prays the Angelus on Jan. 7, 2024, and offers pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square a reflection on baptism. | Vatican Media

Pope Francis: If You Don’t Know the Date of Your Baptism, Look it Up

Jan 7, 2024

Speaking from the window of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace, the pope said on Jan. 7 that the anniversary of one’s baptism should be celebrated each year “like a birthday.”

Pope Francis smiles at pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square on Jan. 1, 2023, for his first Angelus of the new year. | Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis Reflects on Mary’s Motherhood, Prays for Nicaragua During New Year’s Angelus

Jan 1, 2024

Just days after Christmas, Nicaragua’s Sandinista regime abducted four priests, whose whereabouts are still unknown.

Pope Francis waves during his Sunday Angelus on Dec. 31, 2023. | Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis Says Benedict XVI "blesses us and accompanies us" from Heaven

Dec 31, 2023

In his final Angelus address of 2023, Pope Francis paid tribute to Pope Benedict XVI on the one-year anniversary of his predecessor’s death. 

Pope Francis gives a blessing after he delivers his Angelus address to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square on Dec. 26, 2023. | Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis: After 2,000 Years the Persecution of Christians Continues

Dec 26, 2023

During Tuesday’s Angelus on the occasion of the feast of St. Stephen, Pope Francis renewed his call for peace.

Pope Francis gives his Angelus address on Dec. 24, 2023. | Vatican Media

Pope Francis: Do not Confuse Christmas with Consumerism

Dec 24, 2023

On Christmas Eve, Pope Francis urged Christians not to confuse Christmas with consumerism, but to celebrate the birth of Christ by sharing with those who are lonely and in need.

A member of the crowd in St. Peter's Square holds up a baby Jesus figure for a blessing by Pope Francis at his Sunday Angelus Dec. 17, 2023. | Credit: Vatican Media

"Only in God do we find the light of life": Pope Francis at Sunday Angelus

Dec 17, 2023

Pope Francis reflected on St. John the Baptist as a luminous figure who testifies to the light and teaches us that “only in God do we find the light of life” during his Angelus address Dec. 17 on the third Sunday of Advent, or Gaudete Sunday.

Pope Francis delivers his Angelus message on Dec. 10, 2023. | Credit: Vatican Media

Pope at Angelus: "Through silence and prayer, we make space for Jesus"

Dec 10, 2023

Pope Francis highlighted the importance of listening to God by embracing the example of John the Baptist.