
Artificial Intelligence

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Pope Francis Tells AI Leaders: No Machine Should Ever Choose to Take Human Life

Jul 10, 2024

In a message to an AI ethics conference in Hiroshima, Japan, the pope underlined that artificial intelligence has implications for the future of war and peace in our world.

Pope Francis participates in his first G7 Summit on June 14, 2024. In his remarks, the pontiff stressed that human dignity requires that the decisions of artificial intelligence (AI) be under the control of human beings. / Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis at G7: Artificial Intelligence Must Not Replace Human Decision-making

Jun 14, 2024

Pope Francis at the G7 summit on Friday stressed that human dignity requires that the decisions of artificial intelligence be under the control of human beings.

Pope Francis meets Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her 6-year-old daughter on Jan. 10, 2023. / Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis to Speak about Ethics of Artificial Intelligence during June G7 Summit

Apr 27, 2024

The Group of Seven (G7) industrialized nations summit is being held in the southern Italian region of Puglia from June 13–15.

An illustration of the topic of Thomas Aquinas and AI created by DALL-E, a text-to-image model native to ChatGPT. | Credit: DALL-E/OpenAI

What would Thomas Aquinas make of Artificial Intelligence?

Feb 20, 2024

According to one German theologian, the Catholic saint and doctor of the Church can contribute to contemporary discussions about AI’s risks and role in society. 

Fr. Patrick Alumuku, Director of communications, Abuja Archdiocese. Credit: ACI Africa

Let’s “pay attention” to AI Use for Evangelization: Catholic Communicator in Nigeria

Oct 15, 2023

“We need to pay attention to the use of artificial intelligence for evangelization,” a Catholic communicator in Nigeria has told ACI Africa in an interview.

Credit: Blue Planet Studio/Shutterstock

Vatican Announces That Artificial Intelligence Will be Theme of Next World Day of Peace

Aug 8, 2023

The Vatican announced Tuesday that Pope Francis’ annual peace message for 2024 will focus on artificial intelligence (AI).

Joel Mathew, left, and Ulf Hermjakob, researchers at the University of Southern California’s Information Sciences Institute. | Courtesy photo

How Artificial Intelligence is Helping to Translate the Bible into Rare Languages

Jul 18, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are having their moment. AI image generators such as MidJourney have proven capable of creating almost any picture imaginable — even a fake but compelling image of Pope Francis in a chic puffer coat. Meanwhile, advanced “chatbot” systems such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT continue to stun the public by mimicking human speech with almost frightening accuracy. 

Fr. Michael Nsikak Umoh. Credit: Nigeria Catholic Network

Catholic Communications Official in Nigeria Warns against Ignoring Artificial Intelligence

Jul 5, 2023

The National Director of Social Communications in Nigeria is cautioning Catholic leaders and media practitioners against the temptation “to ignore” problem-solving and decision-making capabilities mediated by computers as opposed to the human mind, popularly known as Artificial Intelligence (AI). 

Credit: maxuser/Shutterstock

Keep Humanity the Focus of Tech Innovations, Says New Vatican-approved Ethics Guide

Jul 4, 2023

A new ethics handbook for the tech industry and big business launched with the collaboration of the Vatican’s culture and education body advises “don’t build the future badly.”

Pope Francis meets with participants of the Minerva Dialogues — a meeting of scientists, engineers, business leaders, lawyers, philosophers, Catholic theologians, ethicists, and members of the Roman Curia to discuss digital technologies — at the Vatican on March 27, 2023. | Credit: Vatican Media

An Ethical Artificial Intelligence Respects Human Dignity: Pope Francis

Mar 27, 2023

Pope Francis said emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning could be beneficial to society as long as they respect human dignity.

Pope Francis with the Pontifical Academy for Life on Feb. 20, 2023. / Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis Asks Pontifical Academy for Life to Study Ethics of Emerging Technologies

Feb 20, 2023

The rapid acceleration of new technologies can produce significant consequences for human life and the environment Pope Francis said Feb. 20.