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How Pro-Abortion Groups are Using COVID-19 Aid to Push Ideology in Africa

Dec 10, 2020

Foreign agencies are taking advantage of the harsh COVID-19 pandemic to advance their pro-abortion agenda in African countries that have been hit hard by the pandemic, social activists have warned.

Catholic Bishops in Ghana after issuing the Communiqué  at the St. Francis de Sales Cathedral in Cape Coast on November 15, 2019 following their Annual Plenary Assembly / Damian Avevor, Ghana

In Ghana, “Comprehensive Sexuality Education will not see the light of day”: Bishops

Nov 17, 2019

While the controversy-ridden International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD25) was concluding in Kenya’s capital Nairobi with 11 States issuing a joint statement faulting the organizers of manipulating the process leading to and content of the Nairobi Summit to suit pro-choice agenda, Catholic Bishops in the West African country of Ghana were deliberating, among other matters, one of the controversial and divisive issues in the Nairobi meeting: “Comprehensive Sexuality Education and LGBTQ.”