
World War II

The 38th (Irish) Brigade marches at the Vatican in June 1944. / Credit: Imperial War Museum

Vatican Commemorates 80th Anniversary of Pius XII’s Meeting with Allied Troops

Jun 12, 2024

On June 12, 1944, Pius XII gave an enthusiastic speech in English thanking the members of the 38th (Irish) Brigade as he welcomed them to the Vatican.

"Stumbling blocks" in Rome, Italy. Plates inscribed with the name and dates of life of the victim of Nazi persecution. | Shutterstock

Documents Identify Thousands of Jews hidden by Religious Orders When Nazis Occupied Rome

Sep 8, 2023

Research in the archive of the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome has uncovered a list of the names of thousands of Jewish people who found shelter from Nazi persecution in Catholic religious congregations in Rome from 1943-1944.

St. Peter's Basilica in 1940. Credit: Vatican Media.

When Bombs Fell on the Vatican

Nov 5, 2019

It was a dark autumn night in Rome, which was suffering under the occupation of Nazi Germany and was the target of bombing raids by Allied and Axis forces.