ACI Africa was founded in 2019. We provide free, up-to-the-minute news affecting the Catholic Church in Africa, giving particular emphasis to the words of the Holy Father and happenings of the Holy See, to any person with access to the internet. ACI Africa is proud to offer free access to its news items to Catholic dioceses, parishes, and websites, in order to increase awareness of the activities of the universal Church and to foster a sense of Catholic thought and culture in the life of every Catholic.
ACI Africa's roots begin with its sister agency, ACI Prensa, which was founded in Lima, Peru, in 1980 by Fr. Adalbert Marie Mohm (†1986).
Fr. Mohm, a German missionary, wanted to provide a steady flow of Catholic news to the secular media and to news readers, in order to increase the visibility of the Catholic Church in the public square and to help serve its mission.
Today ACI Prensa ( is the largest and most visited online source of Catholic news in Spanish.
ACI Africa was officially inaugurated on August 17, 2019 as a continental Catholic news agency at the service of the Church in Africa. Headquartered in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, this media apostolate will strive to facilitate the telling of Africa’s story by providing media coverage of Catholic events on the African continent, giving visibility to the activities of the Church across Africa where statistics show significant growth in numbers and the continent gradually becoming the axis of Catholicism. This is expected to contribute to an awareness of and appreciation for the significant role of the Church in Africa and over time, the realization of a realistic image of Africa that often receives negative media framing.
The editor-in-chief of ACI Africa is Fr. Don Bosco Onyalla.
In accord with its goal to provide Catholic news free of charge, ACI Africa is funded, almost entirely, by gifts from our readers and benefactors.
ACI Africa is a service of EWTN News Inc.