
Africa’s population “targeted for decimation”: Catholic Pro-lifers on WHO Birth Control Strategies

Logo of Human Life International (HLI). Credit: HLI

Human Life International (HLI) Directors in Africa have criticized the World Health Organization (WHO) for promoting strategies that the pro-lifers say seek to decimate the African population and undermine the family institution on the continent.

In his message ahead of the annual World Health Day 2024 to be marked on Sunday, April 7, Emil Hagamu, who serves HLI in English speaking African countries pointed out that the WHO has been long engaged in intentional population control, through “contraceptive imperialism”.

Mr. Hagamu stated that “through abortion, birth control and sterilization, Africa’s population has long been intentionally targeted for decimation.”

According to HLI, the WHO will not likely be focusing on disease prevention or promoting healthy lifestyles on World Health Day 2024.

The US-based pro-life organization says in a report shared with ACI Africa that the powerful United Nations agency charged with promoting global health has abandoned objective medical practice in favour of “emotion-based medicine”, going so far as to state that “men can get pregnant.”


Dr. Brian Clowes, HLI Director of Education and Research, says that the problems with the WHO “run far deeper than the disorganization and politicization for which it has been criticized.”

“The WHO is committed to reducing population by whatever means possible,” Dr. Clowes says, and adds, “This organization is no longer connected with medical reality. It is all-in on transgenderism, even saying that men can and even should have abortions.”

Dr. Clowes finds it baffling that the WHO is demanding the right to censor and control anything on the Internet regarding health that it considers “misinformation.” The WHO, he says, “is a huge proponent of abortion, forced contraceptives, and sterilization.”

Mr. Hagamu expressed concern that the WHO is doing everything possible to trample on African family values, and added, “A full 85% of African nations have chosen to protect preborn children through abortion regulations, because the people of Africa consider human life sacred and believe that it is to be welcomed with joy, respected, and defended.”

George Wirnkar, Mr. Hagamu’s counterpart in French-speaking Africa agreed that the WHO is delivering more harm than good.

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“Most people are often oblivious of the fact that WHO is in collaboration with International Planned Parenthood Federation – through its local offices,” Mr. Wirnkar said, and added, “The WHO is planning and promoting policies that negatively impact youth and families.”

The Cameroonian-born regional Director of West Africa at HLI explained that because the WHO persists in treating all young people as "sexually active," the United Nations’ presumptive “medical” agency damages the mindset and physical integrity of today’s youth and harms their future prospects for a healthy, happy adulthood.

“WHO is a known advocate for the liberalization of abortion and the watering down of existing prolife laws,” observed Mr. Wirnkar, adding, “The so-called ‘safe abortion’ mantra has done immeasurable damage both in undermining the true meaning and horror of willful pregnancy termination and the value of every human life, both in my region and worldwide.”

The WHO’s Abortion Care Guideline, issued in March 2022 states that “cisgender women, transgender men, nonbinary, gender-fluid and intersex individuals” are to be included in those who “may require abortion care.”

Agnes Aineah is a Kenyan journalist with a background in digital and newspaper reporting. She holds a Master of Arts in Digital Journalism from the Aga Khan University, Graduate School of Media and Communications and a Bachelor's Degree in Linguistics, Media and Communications from Kenya's Moi University. Agnes currently serves as a journalist for ACI Africa.