
Draw Inspiration from Holy Trinity, Foster “unity, harmony” as Christian Family Life “pillars”: Kenyan Bishop to Couples

Married couples can draw inspiration from the relationship of the three persons of the Holy Trinity to promote their togetherness as spouses and realize a harmonious Christian family, a Catholic Bishop in Kenya has said.

Bishop Simon Peter Kamomoe, one of the recently Consecrated Auxiliary Bishops of Kenya’s Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi, made the appeal at Holy Trinity Buruburu Parish of the Kenyan Metropolitan See on Sunday, May 26, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.

Just as the Holy Trinity works as a unit, a husband, wife and children should walk in harmony,” Bishop Kamomoe appealed, and emphasized, “Unity and harmony are the most important pillars of any Christian family.”

The two pillars of unity and harmony, he said, “can only be achieved through praying, eating and working together.”

The Kenyan Catholic Bishop cautioned couples against the tendency to “complain” amid challenges in their respective families, but instead foster optimism that offers the chance to turn challenges into opportunities.


“Do not tire or complain of the challenges but take them positively while promoting unity at home, workplaces and (in) the country at large,” he said in his May 26 homily at Holy Trinity Buruburu Parish, where he presided over Holy Mass for the Parish’s annual Family Day and solemnized the marriage of five couples.

Bishop Kamomoe called upon spouses to “appreciate” each other, adding that “by so doing, you will be confirming your choice.”

He also encouraged couple to turn to the Holy Spirit for guidance on bringing up the children they bear in the right way.

The relationship of mutual love among persons of the Holy Trinity should be a source of inspiration for married couples, the Kenyan Catholic Bishop said, and cautioned against resorting to revenge.

Turning his attention to children, Bishop Kamomoe emphasized the need for respect. “Let us always respect our parents,” he said.

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He went on to advocate for filial responsibility, especially on the part of adult children, whom he called upon to support their parents, and in cases of conflicts, to “do what it takes to unite them".

There are no relationships without challenges, the Kenyan Catholic Bishop Consecrated on April 6 said, and called upon married couples to bear each other’s cross with hope, assured of God’s graces in their efforts to overcome life’s challenges.

Irene Wambui contributed to the writing of this story

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