
Legion of Mary Movement in Angola Urged to Lead Christians to “gates of Heaven, Church”

Bishop Firmino David of the Catholic Diocese of Sumbe in Angola. Credit: Sumbe Diocese

Bishop Firmino David of the Catholic Diocese of Sumbe in Angola has called on members of the Legion of Mary, known as Patricians, to emulate the virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and fulfill their mission of guiding other Christians to Heaven and to Church.

In his homily during a Thanksgiving Mass marking 25 years of the Patricians’ presence in his Episcopal See, Bishop Firmino underscored the importance of selfless service to the Church and society.

“Every apostolic movement has a mission. The mission of the Patricians is to lead their brothers and sisters to the gates of Heaven and to the Church,” the Angolan Catholic Bishop said during the January 18 Eucharistic celebration that was held at Our Lady of the Conception Cathedral of Sumbe Diocese.

He added, “For this mission to succeed, you must strive to emulate Mary, who is the center of all virtues.”

Highlighting the importance of personal transformation, the Catholic Church leader said, “There cannot be a Patrician who does not have something that brings them closer to Mary.” 


He urged Patricians to reflect on their journey, recalling the challenges and growth they had experienced over the past 25 years. 

“This Jubilee is a time to revisit your roots and remember your struggles, triumphs, and progress—this is part of your apostolic heritage and must not be forgotten,” Bishop Firmino said.

The 62-year-old Catholic Bishop, who started his Episcopal Ministry last July following his appointment on 4 May 2023 reflected on the significance of jubilees in Church history, saying, “The tradition of jubilees began in 1300, initiated by the people and later formalized by popes. Those celebrating 25 years of age or marriage deserve congratulations. These milestones should not go unnoticed.”

The Local Ordinary of Sumbe also underscored the need for gratitude and responsibility, saying, “After 25 years, we enter a phase of thanksgiving. God has protected you through many difficulties.”

“At this stage of life, one should be established. Waiting until 40 years to reflect on life’s journey may be too late,” he said.

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Bishop Firmino urged the Patricians to think about their legacy, saying, “As you celebrate, consider what you will leave for your children who will join this movement. This should be the concern of good mothers and fathers, especially those dedicated to this mission.”

The Angolan Catholic Bishop called for renewed commitment among the members of the movement, saying, “Now is the time to work for another 25 years, reaching 50, 125, or even more.”

“Within every group, some members move forward while others hold back. Sadly, this includes Patricians as well. To become saints, the first requirement is to listen to the word of God and make it your daily nourishment, for it is the source of holiness,” Bishop Firmino said.

He called for conversion, noting that some Patricians and Christians have yet to fully embrace their faith. 

“Beyond prayer, conversion is necessary. Some receive Jesus but remain unchanged. Perhaps some even need to be baptized again,” Bishop Firmino said.


João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.