
Salesians in DR Congo Facilitating “interventions” to Thousands in Challenging Conditions

Credit: Salesian Missions

Members of the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are facilitating “interventions” to thousands of persons displaced by violent conflicts in the Central African nation, who are living in challenging conditions with “enormous” needs.

More than 6.2 million people are displaced across DRC’s Ituri, North Kivu, South Kivu and Tanganyika provinces, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

In a Wednesday, December 6 report, SDB officials say they are hosting more than 25,000 at Don Bosco Ngangi, Don Bosco Shasha and other camps in Kanyaruchinya and Bulengo. 

“Salesians are working to collaborate with other partners to better coordinate interventions at the local level. Many households in the various camps rely on the assistance of the Salesians, who provide food to displaced families as well as spiritual support,” they say. 

The displaced persons are living in challenging conditions in the camps, the SDB members involved in the interventions say, and explain, “Pregnant women, the elderly, people living with disabilities, and widows/widowers are finding it hard to get by in these conditions, having left everything behind in their homelands. The needs are enormous.”


“Increases in the cost of living have exacerbated the crisis, with food, fuel and other goods rising in price,” they further say.

They say that children in the camps are in need of space for games and for psychosocial care to help them deal with the trauma of the violent conflicts they have witnessed, and add, “Salesians are already doing what they can to organize activities, but have yet to be able to provide these for all the children across the different camps.”

In the December 6 report, SDB officials also express concern that youth are unable to go to school.

“Some children missed the 2022-2023 school year and it is very likely that they will miss the 2023-2024 school year. There is currently no hope of a return to their villages, where the security situation remains precarious,” they say. 

The Salesian officials continue, “There is an urgent need for youth to be enrolled in either local schools or vocational training courses to reduce the risk of violence and exploitation. There is also a need for households to learn income-generating activities in order to reduce their total dependence on humanitarian aid, especially considering that not everyone has access to aid.”

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Magdalene Kahiu is a Kenyan journalist with passion in Church communication. She holds a Degree in Social Communications from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Currently, she works as a journalist for ACI Africa.