
Archbishop Bert van Megen

Archbishop Hubertus van Megen. Credit: Capuchin TV

Kenyan Youths “mean business”, Want to Cleanse “temple of democracy”: Nuncio on Anti -Tax Protests

Jul 1, 2024

The Papal Nuncio in Kenya has weighed in on the recent protests led by the youths over the controversial Finance Bill of 2024, noting that the young people in the East African country “mean business” and want to revolutionize the country.

A screenshot of Archbishop Hubertus Matheus Maria van Megen, the Papal Nuncio to Kenya making his remarks during the launch of CRS 2023 to 2030 Strategic Plan at Nyeri House, Westlands in Nairobi on Tuesday, 18 June 2024. Credit: Screenshot from Capuchin TV.

Your Initiatives “must mirror Christian identity, reflecting preferential option for poor”: Nuncio in Kenya to CRS

Jun 22, 2024

Activities of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the humanitarian arm of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), need to foster the “Christian identity”, the Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya has said.

The nine newly ordained Kenyan-born members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers/CSSp.). Credit: ACI Africa

Newly Ordained Kenyan-born Spiritan Priests Look Back at “long journey” of Priestly Formation, Say Ready for Mission

Jun 16, 2024

The nine newly ordained Kenyan-born members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers/CSSp.) have recalled their “long journey” of formation to Priestly and Religious life, and expressed their readiness to report to the mission to which the Rome-based leadership of the 321-year-old Missionary Order has commissioned them.

Bishop John Mbinda of the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar in Kenya presiding over the Priestly Ordination of nine Spiritans at St. Austin's Msongari Parish of Kenya’s Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi (ADN). Credit: ACI Africa

“Understand your calling, live it to the full”: Catholic Bishop to Newly Ordained Kenyan-born Spiritan Priests

Jun 14, 2024

The nine newly ordained Kenyan-born members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/CSSp.) have been called upon to understand and embrace their calling to the Religious and Priestly ministry and strive to “live it to the full”.

Church in Africa Growing “stronger”, Nuncio in Kenya Says, Faults Church in Europe for Losing “its inner compass”

May 27, 2024

The Church in Africa, which for many years was considered a missionary territory has evolved and is growing “stronger” compared to the Church in Europe that seems to have “weakened”, the representative of the Holy Father in Kenya has said.

Keep Flame of Holy Spirit “alive, fan it, that it may shine brighter”: Nuncio to Newly Consecrated Bishop in Kenya

May 25, 2024

The representative of the Holy Father in Kenya has called upon the newly Consecrated Bishop in the East African nation to keep alive the flame of the Holy Spirit, have it fanned through a life of communion with God in prayer and remain close to the people of God during his Episcopal Ministry.

Privileged “to be an integral part” of Catholic Church Growth in South Sudan: Spiritan Superior General on Anniversary

Apr 30, 2024

It is a “privilege” for members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers) to be part of the South Sudan mission as the people of God in the world’s newest country embrace and grow in Christian faith, the Superior General of the 321-year-old Religious and Missionary Order has said.

Let’s Foster Unity “we celebrated with visit of the Pope”: Apostolic Nuncio at Holy Mass in Rumbek Diocese, South Sudan

Apr 29, 2024

The Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya and South Sudan has recalled the theme of the first-ever Papal visit to South Sudan, and called on the people of God in the East-Central African nation to foster unity.

“We’re universal, international”: Apostolic Nuncio Highlights Catholic Meaning on Arrival in Rumbek Diocese, South Sudan

Apr 27, 2024

The fact that the Catholic Church has a global membership, making it universal and international, is a “beautiful thing”, the representative of the Holy Father in Kenya and South Sudan, Archbishop Hubertus van Megen, has said.

Hon. Moses Masika Wetang'ula. Credit: ACI Africa

“The moral barometer of our country”: Kenya’s National Assembly Speaker Lauds Catholic Bishops at Episcopal Consecration

Apr 9, 2024

The Speaker of the National Assembly in Kenya has recognized with appreciation the role that Catholic Bishops are playing in the East African nation.

A section of Priests, including Fr. Jeff Duaime during the Episcopal Consecration of two Auxiliary Bishops for Nairobi Archdiocese on 6 April 2024. Credit: ACI Africa

“The excitement, enthusiasm was uplifting”: Catholic Missionary Priest on Ordination of Auxiliary Bishops for Nairobi

Apr 7, 2024

The Saturday, April 6 Episcopal Consecration of Bishop Simon Peter Kamomoe and Bishop Wallace Ng’ang’a Gachihi as Auxiliary Bishops for the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi in Kenya was “uplifting”, a U.S.-born Catholic Missionary Priest, who witnessed the celebration at St. Mary’s Msongari School grounds in Westlands, Nairobi, has said. 

Bishop  Simon Peter Kamomoe and Bishop Wallace Ng’ang’a Gachihi during the 6 April 2024 Episcopal ordination af St. Mary’s Msongari School grounds in Westlands. Credit: ACI Africa

Newly Ordained Auxiliary Bishops for Nairobi Urged to Be Prophetic, to “speak their minds in interest of their people"

Apr 6, 2024

The two newly Consecrated Auxiliary Bishops for the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi in Kenya have been called upon to live their prophetic calling, speaking out truth to power, for the interest of the people of God under their pastoral care. 

Archbishop Maurice Muhatia Makumba of Kenya’s Kisumu Archdiocese. Credit: ACI Africa

Training of Small Christian Community Leaders among AMECEA “pastoral strategies”: Official

Feb 25, 2024

Capacity building initiatives targeting animators of Small Christian Communities (SCCs) is one of the strategies that members of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) have identified in their effort to realize “deeper evangelization” in the region, an official of the nine-nation association has said.  

Robert Cardinal Sarah. Credit: ACI Africa

Cardinal Sarah Cautions against Disunity among Christians, Says It’s Counter Witnessing

Feb 23, 2024

Disunity among followers of Christ is counterproductive to the mission of witnessing the Gospel message and the evangelization ministry, Robert Cardinal Sarah has said. 

Archbishop Philip Anyolo of Kenya’s Archdiocese of Nairobi. Credit: ACI Africa

Kenyan Archbishop Concerned about Declining “missionary impulse”, Calls for Reflection

Feb 23, 2024

The Archbishop of Kenya’s Archdiocese of Nairobi has expressed concern about what he described as a global decline in the missionary spirit, and called on the people of God in Africa to reflect on how the African Church can assist in missionary work across the world.

Archbishop Hubertus van Megen, Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya poses for a photo with PMS Coordinators drawn from Kenyan Catholic Dioceses alongside officials of the Commission for Missions and PMS Operations of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB). Credit ACI Africa.

Listening, Consoling Priorities in Christ’s Mission: Nuncio in Kenya to PMS Officials

Feb 10, 2024

The mission of Jesus Christ prioritizes closeness to the people of God, paying attention to their needs with compassion and servant attitude, the Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya has said.

Archbishop Hubertus van Megen during the 3 February 2024 Eucharistic celebration at at St. Theresa’s Kator Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Juba. Credit: Ginaba Lino/Juba/South Sudan

One Year On, Apostolic Nuncio to South Sudan Highlights “fruits” of First-ever Papal Visit

Feb 3, 2024

One year since the first-ever Papal visit to South Sudan, the representative of the Holy Father in the East-Central African nation has highlighted the benefits of the 3-5 February 2023 Ecumenical Visit, which Pope Francis undertook alongside the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and the Moderator of the Church of Scotland, Iain Greenshields.

Archbishop Bert van Megen addressing participants during the Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast 2024 that members of the Kenya Christian Professionals Forum (KCPF) organized on 20 January 2024 to mark the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU). Credit: Capuchin TV

“Act like Christ, love like the Good Samaritan”: Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya to Christians

Jan 22, 2024

The representative of the Holy Father in Kenya has urged Christians to imitate the person of Jesus Christ in their actions and to practice love in the example of the Good Samaritan.

Bishop Paul Kariuki Njiru, installed as Local Ordinary of Wote Diocese on 30 September 2023. Credit: Radio Waumini

“You're not alone”: Apostolic Nuncio to Pioneer Bishop of Newly Erected Kenyan Diocese

Oct 7, 2023

The representative of the Holy Father in Kenya has urged the pioneer Bishop of the newly erected Diocese of Wote in the East African nation to foster collaboration with members of the Clergy, women and men Religious, as well as the Laity. 

The Entrance to the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) in Nairobi, Kenya. Credit: CUEA

Embrace Service as “most important thing in life”: Nuncio in Kenya to University Students

Oct 3, 2023

The Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya has called upon students in institutions of higher learning in the East African nation to embrace the spirit of service as “the most important thing” in their respective lives.