
Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW)

Credit: CSW

Christian Foundation Decries “widespread, systematic” Forceful Conversion to Islam in Sudan as Civil War Rages On

Oct 15, 2024

A UK-based human rights foundation has condemned the forced conversion of Christians to Islam in Sudan following the arbitrary arrest of 12 Christian men by Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) military intelligence unit.

Credit: Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW)

Christian Foundation Warns of “Sudan’s evolution towards an Islamic State” if War Persists

Mar 28, 2024

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) is concerned that Sudan could evolve into an Islamic State should war in the Northeastern African nation persist.

Credit: CSW

Christian Foundation Appeals for Safety Measures in Nigeria Schools as Abductions Resurge

Mar 13, 2024

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), a UK-based human rights foundation, is appealing to the Nigerian government to implement a “Safe Schools Initiative” to keep school-going children out of danger amid a resurgence of abductions in the West African country.

Credit: CSW

Christian Entity Condemns Increasing Attacks on Churches in Egypt

Jan 11, 2024

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), a UK-based human rights group, has condemned the increasing attacks on churches in Upper Egypt. 

The Episcopal/Evangelical church in Omdurman. Credit: CSW

Christian Foundation Condemns Bombing of Church Property in Sudan

Nov 13, 2023

The UK-based human rights foundation, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), has condemned the bombing of Church buildings in which scores were injured in Khartoum, Sudan.

A photo of Deborah Emmanuel on her Facebook page. Emmanuel, a Christian student in Nigeria, was killed by an Islamic mob on her college campus on May 12, 2022. | CNA

Christian Entity “welcomes” UN Experts' Letter on May 2022 Lynching of Nigerian Student

Nov 5, 2023

The Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has welcomed the Letter of Allegation, which five United Nations (UN) Special Procedure mandate holders sent to the government of Nigeria regarding the public lynching of Deborah Emmanuel.

Credit: CSW

How UN Failed Victims of Ethiopian Crisis: Christian Human Rights Group

Oct 13, 2023

UK-based human rights foundation, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), has criticized the failure by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to continue a resolution that allows for investigation into abuses in the Tigrayan crisis in Ethiopia.

Credit: Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW)

Christian Foundation Lauds Move to Investigate Human Rights Abuses in Sudanese War

Oct 12, 2023

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), a UK-based human rights group, has welcomed the creation of an international fact-finding mission (FFM) for Sudan, noting that the move will see to it that perpetrators of abuses in the Northeastern African nation’s war are prosecuted.

Rosh Hashanah celebrations at the Heliopolis Synagogue in Cairo. Credit: Facebook/JCC Cairo

Christian Entity Wants Egypt to Review Education Material “insulting” Non-Muslims

Sep 20, 2023

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), a UK-based human rights entity, is calling on authorities in Egypt to initiate reforms in the country’s education sector, including reviewing material that the entity says is insulting to non-Muslims.

Credit: CSW

Children Seized from Nigerian Orphanage Forced to Study Qur’an, Attend a Mosque

Aug 26, 2023

Children aged between three and eight who were seized from the embattled Du Merci Orphanages in Nigeria’s Kano and Kaduna States are reportedly being forced to observe Islamic practices such as studying the Quran after their names were also changed.

Credit: CSW

Christian Entity Welcomes Presidential Pardon of Egyptian Lawyer, Human Rights Activist

Jul 20, 2023

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), a UK-based human rights organization, has welcomed the Wednesday, July 19 Presidential pardon granted to a lawyer and a human rights activist in Egypt. 

Credit: CSW

Christian Entity Condemns “horrific murder” of Nigerian Butcher, Release of Suspects

Jun 30, 2023

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has condemned the “horrific murder” of a butcher in Nigeria accused of committing blasphemy and the release of the suspected killers of Ms. Deborah Yakubu, the student who was stoned to death last year. 

Credit: Courtesy Photo

Former Nigerian Governor’s Remarks in Viral Video Nonfactual: Christian Entity

Jun 7, 2023

Remarks that the immediate former governor of Nigeria’s Kaduna State made in a viral video are not based on facts, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), a UK-based human rights foundation that advocates for the upholding and protection of the right to freedom of religion or belief, has said.

Credit: CSW

Regional Implications of Sudanese War Concern for Christian Human Rights Group

Apr 28, 2023

Violence in Sudan may escalate regionally and internationally with entry of other countries supporting the country’s warring parties, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has said.

Credit: CSW

Five-Year-Old Beheaded, 33 Killed in Nigeria, Christian Foundation Calls for Action

Apr 19, 2023

A five-year-old boy was reportedly beheaded when Islamists attacked a village in Southern Kaduna State, leaving dozens of people dead.

Credit: CSW

Christian Foundation Condemns Attempts to Shied Church Arson Attacker in Sudan

Apr 8, 2023

Christians Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), a UK-based human rights foundation, has expressed concern about the attempts by the Sudanese military to shield a man accused of torching a church in Gedaref State in East Sudan.

Leah Sharibu. Credit: CSW

Half Decade “far too long”: Human Rights Group Calls for Release of Nigerian Teen, Leah

Feb 20, 2023

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), the UK-based human rights foundation, is calling for the release of Leah Sharibu who has been in captivity since 2018 saying the half-a-decade period she has spent with her kidnappers is “far too long”.

Credit: CSW

Christian Rights Entity Fears for Disruption of Nigerian Elections amid Increased Attacks

Feb 9, 2023

Christian Solidarity Worldwide, a UK-based human rights foundation, has raised alarm over heightened killings allegedly by Fulani men in Nigerian States and expressed fears that the deteriorating security in the country may disrupt the general elections slated for February 25.

Professor Richard Solomon Musa Tarfa, the co-founder of the Du Merci orphanages for vulnerable children in Kano and Kaduna states, Nigeria. Credit: CSW

Christian Human Rights Group Wants “reparations” for Acquitted Nigerian Professor

Jan 30, 2023

Human rights foundation, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), has expressed relief following the release of a Christian Professor who was accused of forging certificates to start a foundation that takes care of homeless children in Nigeria’s Kaduna State.

Fr. Isaac Achi. Credit: Fr Ebube and CYON of SS Peter & Paul.

Nigeria Allows “violence to metastasize, take root”: Christian Entity after Priest Murder

Jan 18, 2023

Nigeria has permitted violence to take root and to spread across the country, with vulnerable communities bearing the brunt, the leadership of Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has said.