The pontiff repeatedly emphasized his message against bullying, having participants pledge "No bullying!" during the audience.
“All children and youth have the right to go to school, regardless of their immigration status,” the pope said.
“Christian education crosses unexplored terrain, marked by anthropological and cultural changes, on which we are still seeking answers ...,” the Holy Father said.
Pope Francis’ prayer intention for the month of January is for educators.
The pope spoke to the De La Salle Christian Brothers.
A member of the Congregation of the Mantellate Sisters, Servants of Mary (MSM), commonly known as Servite Sisters, has highlighted education and healthcare as the most noteworthy achievements in their 100 years of service in the Southern Africa Province.
The leadership of the Catholic Institute of Education (CIE) in South Africa is calling on security agencies in the country to look into the multiple cases of attacks on Principals and teachers in the Southern African nation.
Catholic Bishops in Ivory Coast have, in a collective statement, called on the government to put in place policies that takes into account “civic and moral education” in the West African nation.
Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the U.S., is imparting record keeping skills to school administrators and officers of other institutions in Guinea Bissau.
The World Day of Peace is celebrated annually on Jan. 1.
The Catholic Church in Ghana has not been spared by the COVID-19 pandemic that has threatened to sink the country’s health and education sectors.
Members of the Religious Institute of the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) serving in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are empowering young ex-combatants in the Central African nation with life and vocational skills.
A Catholic Priest in Nigeria’s Lagos Archdiocese has blamed frequent strikes by university teachers in the West African country on what he has referred to as education sector’s “low budgeting.”
A member of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit) ministering in Chad has launched a fundraiser to support the education of at least 300 children displaced by the ongoing Anglophone crisis in the North West and South West (NOSO) regions of Cameroon.
The leadership of the Catholic Institute of Education (CIE) in South Africa has called on parents in the country to show their partnership in the education program by ensuring that their children attend school amid a reported increase in the number of dropouts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Members of the Religious Institute of the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) are offering education to at least 183 Togolese youth who are at risk of social exclusion.
The Cardinal in Ivory Coast has called upon the country’s recently appointed Minister for Education and Literacy to integrate her scientific knowledge and faith and to seek out for “God’s blessings and graces.”
Members of the Religious Institute of the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) ministering in Zimbabwe are offering education to children from poor mining families in the Southern African nation.
The international refugee organization of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), the Jesuit Refugee Service, (JRS), is facilitating the education of refugee children with special needs in Burundi, the leadership of the agency has reported.
The Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education issued Wednesday three new instructions on ecclesiastical institutions of higher education.