

Fr. Alain Mayama, Superior General of the Spiritans

On Founder’s Day, 321-year-old Order with Dominant African Membership Launches Phase II of “Animation Plan” for Mission

Oct 2, 2024

The leadership of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers/CSSp.), the 321-year-old Missionary Congregation with members in all continents, most them natives of Africa, has launched the second phase of the Congregation’s “animation plan”.

The nine newly ordained Kenyan-born members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers/CSSp.). Credit: ACI Africa

Newly Ordained Kenyan-born Spiritan Priests Look Back at “long journey” of Priestly Formation, Say Ready for Mission

Jun 16, 2024

The nine newly ordained Kenyan-born members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers/CSSp.) have recalled their “long journey” of formation to Priestly and Religious life, and expressed their readiness to report to the mission to which the Rome-based leadership of the 321-year-old Missionary Order has commissioned them.

Bishop John Mbinda of the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar in Kenya presiding over the Priestly Ordination of nine Spiritans at St. Austin's Msongari Parish of Kenya’s Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi (ADN). Credit: ACI Africa

“Understand your calling, live it to the full”: Catholic Bishop to Newly Ordained Kenyan-born Spiritan Priests

Jun 14, 2024

The nine newly ordained Kenyan-born members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/CSSp.) have been called upon to understand and embrace their calling to the Religious and Priestly ministry and strive to “live it to the full”.

Participants in the Spiritan Chapter at Stella Maris Hotel, Bagamoyo in Tanzania's Morogoro Diocese 3-24 October 2021. Credit: Courtesy Photo

Pentecost: Spiritan Superior General Says “it’s harvest time”, Recalls “wonderful witnesses of our missionary history”

May 18, 2024

The mission of the Spiritan missionaries, who left their respective countries, pioneering the proclamation of the Gospel to the people of God in other territories of the world, including Africa and Asia “has borne fruit”, the Superior General of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers) has said. 

Privileged “to be an integral part” of Catholic Church Growth in South Sudan: Spiritan Superior General on Anniversary

Apr 30, 2024

It is a “privilege” for members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers) to be part of the South Sudan mission as the people of God in the world’s newest country embrace and grow in Christian faith, the Superior General of the 321-year-old Religious and Missionary Order has said.

Let’s Foster Unity “we celebrated with visit of the Pope”: Apostolic Nuncio at Holy Mass in Rumbek Diocese, South Sudan

Apr 29, 2024

The Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya and South Sudan has recalled the theme of the first-ever Papal visit to South Sudan, and called on the people of God in the East-Central African nation to foster unity.

“We’re universal, international”: Apostolic Nuncio Highlights Catholic Meaning on Arrival in Rumbek Diocese, South Sudan

Apr 27, 2024

The fact that the Catholic Church has a global membership, making it universal and international, is a “beautiful thing”, the representative of the Holy Father in Kenya and South Sudan, Archbishop Hubertus van Megen, has said.

Spiritans ministering in Kenya, who gathered for their Occasional Meeting at St. Austin's Msongari Parish of the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi on 9 April 2024. Credit: ACI Africa

We’re Called to Live Synodality in “international, intercultural communities”: Rome-based Priest to Spiritans in Kenya

Apr 9, 2024

The Church is inviting her members to promote, through practice, the spirit of Synodality, journeying and carrying out the mission of Jesus Christ through a collaborative approach, a Rome-based member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit under the protection of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers) has said.

Holy Ghost Schools - Makueni. Credit: Fr. John Kamangara

“Milestone in evangelization”: Official on Kenyan Spiritan School’s 10th Anniversary

Feb 9, 2024

The planned celebration to mark 10 years since Holy Ghost Schools - Makueni was established in Kenya is a testament to the evangelization mission of the members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit under the Protection of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers) in the East African nation, the Director of the boys’ secondary school has said. 

Fr. George Crocenzi (1923-2000), U.S.-born Spiritan who ministered in Africa for 38 years. Credit: Holy Ghost Fathers/Fr. Paul Hoang, CSSp.

East Africa Spiritans Name House after American Who Lived “radical gospel of self-giving”

Dec 8, 2023

Fr. George Crocenzi, a native of the U.S., who ministered in East Africa for close to four decades has been recognized by his confreres; they have named a house in Nairobi after him.

Parishioners of St. Austin's Catholic Church of Kenya's Archdiocese of Nairobi pause to reflect on a Station of the Cross at the Subukia Shrine in the Diocese of Nakuru. Credit: ACI Africa

Pilgrims Share Stories of Conversion and Healing at National Marian Shrine in Kenya

Sep 25, 2023

The steep hill, marked with the Stations of the Cross, leads to a spring of water believed to offer miraculous healing to those who visit Subukia National Marian Shrine in Kenya’s Catholic Diocese of Nakuru.

Patients wait outside Wenje Catholic Health Facility. Credit: Fr. Fred Wafula

Relief as Spiritans Establish Medical Facility for Kenya’s Marginalized Communities

Sep 24, 2023

For a long time, residents of Wenje, a town in the coast region of Kenya served by the Catholic Diocese of Garissa traveled over 50 kilometers to access medical services at a government hospital.  

Bishop Maurício Camuto of Angola’s Diocese of Caxito. Credit: Courtesy Photo

Catholic Bishop Faults Angolans Who Downplay National Health, Education Facilities

Jul 2, 2023

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has faulted citizens of the Southern African nation who downplay the education and health facilities in the countries.

Members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost Fathers/Spiritans/CSSp.) in Kenya with Lay Associates and partners during the annual fund drive popularly known as Spiritan Family Day at  St. Austin’s Msongari Parish of the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi. Credit: ACI Africa

“Do not get tired of supporting us”: Spiritan Superior in Kenya to Partners at Fund Drive

Jun 17, 2023

The leadership of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit under the protection of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers/CSSp.) in Kenya is appealing to entities and individual persons who have partnered with the Congregation, the country’s oldest missionary Order, in facilitating the realization of its mission to continue the partnership.

Felix Maiyo,  Deputy Governor (DG) of Baringo County in Kenya. Credit: ACI Africa

Kenyan County Leader Lauds “spirit of collaboration” at Launch of Catholic Health Facility

Jun 8, 2023

The realization of the Good Samaritan Catholic Mission Hospital Tangulbei in the Diocese of Nakuru in Kenya is a manifestation of collaboration that the Catholic Church has continued to spearhead in Baringo County, the Deputy Governor (DG) of the Kenyan County has said.

Archbishop Hubertus van Megen and Bishop Cleophas Oseso Tuka officially open the Good Samaritan Catholic Mission Hospital Tangulbei in the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru. Credit: ACI Africa

“A good relief”: Catholic Bishop on Launch of Spiritan-initiated Health Facility in Kenya

Jun 6, 2023

The launching of the Good Samaritan Catholic Mission Hospital Tangulbei in the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru is “a good relief” for the people of God in area served by members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost Fathers/Spiritans/CSSp.), the Local Ordinary of the Kenyan Diocese has said.

Fr. Dominic Gathurithu and Fr. George Omondi  with the newly commissioned  Lay Associates of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost Fathers/Spiritans/CSSp.) in Kenya. Credit: ACI Africa

New Lay Associates of Kenya’s Oldest Missionary Order Urged to “be available for service”

May 29, 2023

The newly commissioned Lay Associates of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost Fathers/Spiritans/CSSp.) in Kenya, the country’s oldest Missionary Order, have been called upon to participate in the “apostolic life” of the 320-year-old Congregation, availing themselves “for the service of the Gospel”.

Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis Lauds Spiritan Rich History Realized in 60 Countries in “docility to Spirit”

May 8, 2023

Pope Francis has lauded the rich history of the members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit under the protection of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers) that is being realized in some 60 countries across five continents.

Fr. John Michael Fillie at St. Mary’s Nursing Home & Hospital, Phoenix Park, Dublin. Fr. Fillie worked at the Hospital as Catholic Chaplain from 2013 to 2021 before he was advised to retire because of his age and the COVID-19 outbreak. Credit: Fr. John Michael Fillie

Muslim Boy Who Secretly Converted to Catholicism, Sierra Leone’s First Native Missionary

Apr 2, 2023

Inside Our Lady of Victories Gerihun Parish of the Catholic Diocese of Bo, Sierra Leone, a six-year-old boy marks time, waiting for the Irish Priest presiding over Holy Mass to give the final blessing before he falls into the Priest’s steps, begging to visit the Parochial house.

Participants during the two-day conference of Spiritans in Kenya on “Safeguarding and Care of Self” held at St. Austin’s Msongari Parish of Nairobi Archdiocese 14-15 February 2023. Credit: ACI Africa

“Grateful to organizers”: Spiritan Priests in Kenya on Gains of Safeguarding Conference

Feb 16, 2023

Members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans) who participated in a two-day safeguarding conference in Nairobi, Kenya, have lauded the program, noting that it is eye-opening for them in how they interact with minors and vulnerable groups.