Pope Francis, reflecting on the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, says it serves as a reminder that Jesus is salvation for all peoples and our light.
On this day we remember when Mary and Joseph carried the infant Jesus to the Temple to fulfill the law.
The amazed joy of Simeon and Anna at encountering and embracing Christ at the Temple is a virtue that consecrated religious should remember and imitate, the pope said in a homily addressed to religious brothers and sisters.
Consecrated women and men — together with Catholics in general — are invited to celebrate the World Day for Consecrated Life this week. Established by St. John Paul II, the day recognizes the beauty and impact of a life dedicated to poverty, chastity, and obedience.
On the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, Pope Francis pointed to Simeon and Anna as models of having a “patience of heart” that can keep hope alive during difficult times.
Pope Francis spoke Sunday about the need for Catholics to be active in going out to announce the faith of Jesus Christ to the world.
There are always things which seem hopeless if seen with the eyes of the world, which is why those in religious life must stay close to the Lord every day, Pope Francis said Saturday.