

Late Archbishop James Odongo who died Friday, December 4 at the age of 89.

Church in Eastern Africa Mourns Ugandan Prelate Who Laid Ground for Regional Collaboration

Dec 4, 2020

The Catholic Church in Eastern Africa is mourning the passing on of the first African Chairman of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of Eastern Africa (AMECEA), Archbishop James Odongo who died Friday, December 4 at the age of 89. 

Entrance to the Bishop Joanny Thévenoud Museum inaugurated Saturday, October 10 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. / Archdiocese of Ouagadougou/Facebook Page

Burkina Faso’s Newly Inaugurated Museum Sign of “encounter between Church, local cultures”

Oct 12, 2020

The museum of Burkina Faso’s Ouagadougou Archdiocese that was officially inaugurated over the weekend has been described as a credible illustration of the encounter between the Church and local cultures.

Pope Francis’ “Fratelli Tutti” a Call to End Africa’s Ethnic Divisions: Bishops in Africa

Oct 8, 2020

The leadership of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) that brings together Catholic Bishops in Africa has welcomed the latest Encyclical of Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, as a document that provides for an end to ethnic divisions in and outside the Church in Africa.

South Africans protesting against the high rate of corruption in their country.

Clergy, Religious Bowing to Family Pressure to Misuse Church Funds: South African Prelate

Oct 1, 2020

Priests and religious who are misappropriating funds meant for Church projects are doing so because of pressure from their families and friends who want financial support from the Clergy and Religious men and women, Bishop Sithembele Sipuka of South Africa’s Umtata Diocese has said in his new month reflection shared with ACI Africa.

Bishop Stephen Dami Mamza certified free of COVID-19. He tested positive for the deadly virus on August 23. / Diocese of Yola

Nigerian Prelate “certified free of COVID-19” Tasks Gov’t to Upgrade Health Facilities

Sep 6, 2020

After spending days in isolation under the care of health practitioners, the Catholic Bishop of Nigeria’s Yola Diocese has recovered from COVID-19, he told journalists at his residence, thanking all those who have accompanied him spiritually.

A poster of Pope Francis' Apostolic Journey to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius from  September 4-10, 2019.

One Year after Pope Francis’ Second Visit, Church in Africa Renews Commitment to Peace

Sep 4, 2020

The leadership of the Catholic Church in Africa has, in a statement shared with ACI Africa, announced a week-long commemoration of the first anniversary of Pope Francis’ second three-nation visit to sub-Saharan Africa, recalling the 4 – 10 September 2019 Papal trip to Mozambique, Madagascar and the Mauritian Islands as having been a joy to the people of God in Africa.

Bishop Sithembele Sipuka of South Africa’s Mthatha Diocese and President of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC). / Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC)

We Risk Being Called a “Republic of Corruption,” South African Prelate Cautions

Aug 29, 2020

A Catholic Prelate in South Africa has bemoaned increasing reports of graft in the country, a situation he says puts one of Africa’s largest economies at a great risk of being referred to as a failed state and a “Republic of Corruption.”

Logo Catholic Biblical Federation (CBF).

Catholic Biblical Federation Seeking to Extend Online Formation to Africa

Aug 26, 2020

The leadership of the Catholic Biblical Federation (CBF), the global network of institutions dedicated to biblical-pastoral ministry, is calling for its members in African countries to forward their online Bible formation programs to the organization that is seeking to migrate its activities to its digital platform.

Bishop Stephen Dami Mamza of Nigeria’s Yola Diocese. He tested positive for COVID-19 August 23, 2020.

Nigerian Prelate Tests Positive for COVID-19, Advises Citizens to Go for Testing

Aug 24, 2020

The Catholic Bishop of Nigeria’s Yola Diocese who has confirmed that he tested positive for COVID-19 has advised citizens of the West African nation to readily present themselves for the coronavirus tests when they are required to. 

Official Logo 2020 World Apostolic Congress on Mercy. / WACOM 2020 website

African Pilgrims Urged “to intensify devotion to Divine Mercy” as World Congress Postponed

Aug 12, 2020

Pilgrims from Africa who had planned to be part of the fifth World Apostolic Congress on Mercy (WACOM) in the Island nation of Samoa have been encouraged “to intensify” their devotion to the Divine Mercy in their respective contexts.

Philipp Cardinal Ouedraogo blesses the new ambulance donated by the Archdiocese of Seoul to the St. Paul VI Hospital Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. / Archdiocese of Ouagadougou

Cardinal in Burkina Faso Lauds South Korea’s Seoul Archdiocese for Friendship, Solidarity

Aug 4, 2020

The Archbishop of Burkina Faso’s Ouagadougou Archdiocese has expressed his appreciation for the partnership that his Episcopal See has fostered with the Archdiocese of Seoul in South Korea saying the “friendship and solidarity” is having a positive impact on the people of God in the West African country.

Members of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) at SECAM's Golden Jubilee in Uganda in 2019.

SECAM Leadership Defers Annual Collection amid COVID-19 Challenges

Jul 27, 2020

The leadership of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) has announced that the usual annual collection of funds to support the symposium activities on the continent will not happen this year due to COVID-19 challenges.

Staff of Vatican Radio's English for Africa Service. / Vatican News

Catholic Journalists in Africa Pledge Support for Vatican Radio’s Africa Service @70

Jul 18, 2020

Members of the Union of the African Catholic Press (UCAP), which brings together Catholic journalists in both the Catholic Church communications and those practicing journalism in secular media outlets have pledged their support for the English Africa Service of the Vatican Radio as the Rome-based media house celebrates 70 years of broadcasting on the continent.

Members of SECAM  at the opening Mass of the Golden Jubilee Celebration in Uganda in July 2019.

Why First Sunday of August is Meant to be Important for the Church in Africa

Jul 14, 2020

The first Sunday of next month, August 2, is meant to be important for the people of God in Africa because the Catholic Bishops on the continent are expected to preside over the day of their common forum, the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM).

Late Bishop Patrick Zithulele Mvemve, Bishop Emeritus of Klerksdorp Diocese in South Africa who died Monday, July 6, 2020 / Bishop Victor Phalana of Klerksdorp Diocese

South African Clergy, Laity Eulogize Late Bishop as "servant leader, second chance Bishop"

Jul 11, 2020

Clergy and the lay faithful in South Africa have paid glowing tributes to the late Bishop Patrick Zithulele Mvemve who was, until his resignation in April 2013, the Local Ordinary of South Africa’s Klerksdorp Diocese, remembering him as a “servant leader (and) Bishop of the second chance” who “loved sodalities.” 

Late Fr. Robert (Bob) Astorino.

African Media Practitioners Recall Memorable Moments with U.S. Cleric Who “married” Media

Jun 29, 2020

The rest of the world is mourning the passing on of Fr. Robert (Bob) Astorino who “married media professionalism” for the Church in Asia, founding the Union of Catholic Asian News (UCA News) and serving as its Executive Director for 30 years.

Jean-Claude Cardinal Hollerich of COMECE (left) and Philipp Cardinal Ouédraogo of SECAM (right) who have just issued a joint statement for a people-centered partnership ahead of the AU/EU summit in October.

Ahead of AU/EU Summit, Bishops in Africa, Europe Call for "a people-centered partnership"

Jun 11, 2020

In view of the planned 6th Summit of African Union (AU) and European Union (EU) leaders in October, Bishops in Africa and Europe have, in a joint statement, encouraged European and African policy-makers to orient their preparatory work on the principles that foster “people-centered” partnerships.

Logo Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM)

Bishops in Africa Concerned about COVID-19 Crisis, Appeal for Stakeholder Involvement

Jun 2, 2020

Bishops in Africa through their common forum, the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) have expressed concerns about the challenge COVID-19 pandemic poses for the people of God and institutions on the continent and appealed for individual and collective responsibilities from various stakeholders on the continent and beyond in the fight against the disease.

Phillip Cardinal Ouédraogo, President of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), who has just recovered from COVID-19.

After Recovery from COVID-19, African Cardinal Observing “a period of rest”

Apr 19, 2020

The President of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), Phillip Cardinal Ouédraogo, who has recovered from COVID-19 after days of care at a hospital in his country, Burkina Faso, is observing “a period of rest” outside his official residence.

Bishop Emmanuel Adetoyese Badejo, President of the Pan African Episcopal Committee for Social Communications (CEPACS).

Church in Africa “does have a voice,” Battling Communication Challenges, Official Says

Mar 12, 2020

The people of God in Africa and their leadership have a lot to offer to the global Catholicism including testimonies about the growth and progress of Gospel values among believers. However, the Church on the continent faces the challenge of telling its stories within and across the globe, the Bishop coordinating the communication commissions of the episcopal conferences in Africa told ACI Africa in an interview last week.