The participants gathered to discuss the multifaceted and interconnected impacts of war, technology, health crises, and the environment.
“I want all diocesan realities that own real estate to offer their contribution to stem the housing emergency,” Pope Francis said.
Pope Francis warned that both foreign debt and ecological debt are “mortgaging the future” of nations.
Accessible worldwide at, the free interactive platform allows anyone in the world to “visit” the virtual 3D model of St. Peter’s Basilica.
The pope declared that part of the archives and library be moved to a building on extraterritorial Vatican property at the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran.
The church is the cathedral of the Diocese of Rome and the seat of the bishop of Rome, the pope. The adjoining palace served as the papal residence until the 14th century.
The relic dispayed just above the tomb of St. Peter will be accessible for public viewing until Dec. 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
The pontiff introduced Father George Jacob Koovakad to the world in 2021 as someone who is “always smiling.”
“Christian education crosses unexplored terrain, marked by anthropological and cultural changes, on which we are still seeking answers ...,” the Holy Father said.
The academic congress was hosted by the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome from Oct. 28–30.
The encyclical, titled “Dilexit Nos,” meaning “he has loved us,” will be published on Oct. 24.
The Catholic population decline coincided with a total population reduction on the continent, which recorded a net loss of 517,000 people living in Europe over the year.
The pope said “the climate of dialogue between the two Churches has lost the acrimony of the past and today allows us to hope for full mutual acceptance.”
“Let us remember this: True wealth is not the goods of this world. True wealth is being loved by God and learning to love like him,” Francis said Oct. 13.
The interreligious meeting concluded his 12-day, four-country apostolic journey to Southeast Asia and Oceania.
The pope expressed his admiration for the dedication of the country’s past and present leaders to build unity amid a diversity of ethnicities, religions, and cultures.
The pope emphasized that “the language of love, the language of closeness, the language of service” is what can unite people in a region of more than 800 dialects.
“Let us pray for the cry of the Earth,” Pope Francis urged the faithful in a video released Aug. 30.
“There is some plan to ‘dissolve’ [the university] with the other universities: No, this will not do,” Francis said to members of the Dicastery for Evangelization.
On Aug. 22, the Holy See issued a “nihil obstat” (no objection) to the miraculous visions and physical healing of French woman Estelle Faguette.