
Catholic Church in Ethiopia

Credit: Courtesy photo

Church in Ethiopia Lauds U.S. Entity for Facilitating Outreach to “poorest of the poor”

Jun 27, 2022

Officials of the Catholic Church in Ethiopia have lauded the partnership the people of God in the Horn of Africa nation are having with the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the U.S.

Members of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Ethiopia (CBCE). Credit: CBCE

Catholic Bishops in Ethiopia “strongly” Condemn Killings in Gambella and Western Wollega

Jun 24, 2022

Members of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Ethiopia (CBCE) have condemned the reported killing of over 300 people, “mostly women and children” in the country’s Gambella and Western Wollega regions.

Credit: Agenzia Fides

Catholic Priest in Ethiopia appeals to Young Women, Girls to Assist in Evangelization

Jun 5, 2022

A Catholic Priest in Ethiopia has called upon young girls and women to assist in evangelizing in Gode, a city in the Somali region of Ethiopia, located in the Shebelle zone in the Horn of Africa country.

Father of ten Guyo Kala (49), from Borena Zone in Southern Ethiopia, has seen his livelihood decimated by drought. Credit: Trócaire

Catholic Entity Helping Thousands in Ethiopia Through Economic Initiative

Jun 4, 2022

More than 5,000 women and young people in Ethiopia are benefiting from an economic empowerment program spearheaded by Trócaire, the overseas development agency of the Catholic Bishops of Ireland.  

Berhaneyesus Cardinal Souraphiel. Credit: Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat/Facebook

Let’s Conquer Hatred with Love, Cardinal Says in Message for Good Friday in Ethiopia

Apr 22, 2022

The Cardinal in Ethiopia has challenged the people of God in the Horn of Africa nation to allow love to conquer hatred and to embrace dialogue amid the ravaging humanitarian situation in the country.

Berhaneyesus Cardinal Souraphiel. Credit: Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat/Facebook

Cardinal in Ethiopia Says Humanitarian Situation in Tigray Worsening, Suffering Increasing

Apr 20, 2022

The Archbishop of Ethiopia’s Addis Ababa Archdiocese has said that the humanitarian situation in the embattled Tigray region is getting worse and that the violent conflict has resulted in the protracted suffering of the population.

Professor Zeresenay Alemseged, appointed as an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences on 13 April 2022. Credit: University of Chicago

Pope Francis Appoints Ethiopian-born Professor to Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

Apr 13, 2022

Pope Francis has appointed an Ethiopian-born Professor of Organismal Biology and Anatomy as an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

Bishop Tesfaselassie Medhin of the Catholic Eparchy of Adigrat in Ethiopia. Credit: Courtesy Photo

Humanitarian Aid in Ethiopia Not Changing Lives Despite Military Truce: Catholic Bishop

Apr 8, 2022

A Catholic Bishop in Ethiopia has said that the besieged people from the country’s Tigray region are not fully benefiting from the humanitarian aid that reaches the region despite a military truce that was promoted by the Prime Minister of the Horn of Africa nation, Abiy Ahmed Ali.

Members of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Ethiopia (CBCE). Credit: CBCE

Ethiopians Must “throw out” War from Country's History for Survival: Catholic Bishops

Mar 13, 2022

Members of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Ethiopia (CBCE) have urged the people of God in the Horn of Africa nation to put an end to war to save the country from perishing.