A Kenyan Nun is advocating for Catholic Sisters in Africa to be allowed, while adhering to the evangelical council of obedience, to join sectors of society that offer a “better pay” in view of sustaining their respective Religious Congregations that are facing tough financial times.
Members of the Clergy and the Laity in Kenya have paid glowing tribute to the late Kenyan Priest and University Professor, Fr. Peter Ignatius Gichure, describing him as one who advocated for Catholic marriage, family life, and peace among family members.
How the Blessed Virgin Mary reflects African values and what the people of God in Africa can learn from her response to angel Gabriel are some of the highlights of a new book that was launched in Nairobi on Tuesday, May 18.
The need for consistent dialogue among African women regardless of age, cultural, and religious differences has been emphasized at the third edition of the conference on Religions and Gender held in Kenya.
Fr. Lazar Arasu remembers one Sunday in June 2017 when a group of refugees in Uganda’s Gulu Archdiocese surrounded him, weeping and begging him not to abandon them.
Growing up, Fr Michael Mutai always wanted to become a Priest of the Catholic Church. It is this deep desire that steered the Kenyan Catholic Priest against all odds including abject poverty, an illness and discouragement to eventually realize his long-term dream.
The Number of young men choosing Priesthood in Tanzania is reportedly on the rise, Church leaders in the East African countries have observed while opening a Seminary that will be a home to hundreds of seminarians drawn from across the country.
The late Archbishop Tarcisius Gervazio Ziyaye who, until his death Monday, December 14 has been the Local Ordinary of Malawi’s Lilongwe Archdiocese, is being eulogized as a humble, respectful, generous, and prayerful church leader.
Archbishop Tarcisius Gervazio Ziyaye of Malawi’s Lilongwe Archdiocese has passed on at the age of 71.
Graduands at a Kenya-based Catholic institution have been urged to foster stewardship in their leadership aspirations, putting to good use religious values for the “special care for God’s creation.”
In an effort to realize operational efficiency and provide clarity in Church administration, Bishops and heads of Dioceses in Sudan and South Sudan have reorganized the structures of their common forum and assigned personnel to oversee the various departments of the Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SCBC).
Two African Sisters, one from Kenya and the other from South Sudan, have been selected to pilot a doctoral scholarship program, an initiative of the African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC), which facilitates access to education for women religious in Africa, the world’s second largest continent.
The US-based Conrad N. Hilton Foundation is facilitating the setting up of data centers in Africa that will be used to collect, store, process, and allow the sharing of information about Catholic Sisters on the continent, an official of the entity has told participants in the ongoing ten-day virtual International Consultative Research (ICR) conference.
The leadership of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) has lauded the personnel engaged at the Kenya-based institution for bearing with the “painful decisions” of downward salary adjustments or even unpaid leave taken amid COVID-19 challenges.
At the convocation to mark the official start of the Academic year 2020-2021 of the 34-year-old Kenya-based Catholic institution of higher learning, Tangaza University College (TUC), the Vice Chancellor (VC Designate) said the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered reflections around the meaning of the institution of the university.
The faculty member of the Kenya-based Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) who guided law students in the Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC) Moot competition where they scooped the Best Regional Memorial for Africa Award, 2020 edition, has shared with ACI Africa about the benefits of the prize.
A student at a Kenya-based Catholic University who was shot Monday, June 8 by unknown bandits alongside three others in Kenya’s Marsabit County is being mourned and remembered as a “staunch Catholic” who was “prayerful, friendly, ever-smiling, very obedient, (and) well- behaved.”
Catholic-run institutions of higher learning in Ghana, Kenya, Cameroon and in other African countries have taken to technology-based virtual learning to help students interact with their lecturers in the safety of their homes as various governments on the continent take precautionary measures against the spread of COVID-19, the new disease caused by coronavirus.
The education based on values and the formation of character fostered in Catholic schools in the East African nation of Kenya is the reason behind the enrolment and retention of a high number of learners who are not themselves Catholics, a Kenyan Prelate has said.
In an effort to respond to Pope Francis’ call that all local churches across the globe set working systems to address sexual crimes committed by clerics and religious, the Institute of Canon Law at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) has expanded admissions into its Canon Law training.