
papal trips

Interreligious Dialogue An Urgent Need, Pope Francis Says at Close of Kazakhstan Congress

Sep 15, 2022

In his final remarks in Kazakhstan on Thursday, Pope Francis said interreligious dialogue is an urgently needed path to peace.

Pope Francis speaking in Nur-Sultan hall in Kazakhstan , Sept 13. 2022. | Vatican Media

Pope Francis Urges Peace in "senseless and tragic war" in Ukraine

Sep 13, 2022

Pope Francis arrived in Kazakhstan Tuesday urging dialogue and peace in the face of Russia’s “senseless and tragic war” in Ukraine.

"Every human being is sacred": Pope Francis to Religious Leaders in Kazakhstan

Sep 13, 2022

It is the task of religions to remind society of the sacredness of all human life, Pope Francis told leaders of the world’s religions in Kazakhstan on Wednesday.

Indigenous drummers welcome Pope Francis to Lac Ste. Anne. Vatican Media

A look Beyond Headlines: Pope Francis Encounters Catholic, Life History on Canada Journey

Jul 28, 2022

This “penitential pilgrimage” is dedicated to a real path of reconciliation with the Native American populations, and at the same time it is also an apostolic journey to a country with a rich and varied Catholic history.

Pope Francis meets with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the Vatican on May 29, 2017. © L'Osservatore Romano.

Pope Francis in Canada: A Papal Pilgrimage for Healing and Reconciliation

Jul 23, 2022

The 37th Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis, which will take him to Canada from July 24-30, is a "penitential pilgrimage” that may also help to heal and reconcile another relationship.

Pope Francis meets with members of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute in the Apostolic Palace on May 7, 2022. Vatican Media.

Pope Francis’ Trip to Lebanon "delayed for health reasons"

May 9, 2022

Lebanon’s tourism minister announced the postponement, citing ‘health reasons.’

Pope Francis and the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, at the Vatican on Oct. 5, 2021. Vatican Media

South Sudan Trip a "pilgrimage of peace", Pope Francis and Archbishop of Canterbury Say

May 8, 2022

"In anticipation of our pilgrimage of peace this coming summer, we look forward to visiting your great country.”