
Synod on Synodality

Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández. | Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/ACI Prensa

"Not much new" Will Come out of this Year’s Synod, Vatican’s Doctrine Chief Predicts

Oct 1, 2023

Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández predicts that “those who expect big changes” to come out of this month’s Synod of Bishops will be “disappointed.”

Five children representing five continents speak with Pope Francis in the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican on Oct. 1, 2023. The pope will hold a meeting with children at the Vatican on Nov. 6, 2023. | Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis to Hold Meeting with Children at the Vatican on Nov. 6

Oct 1, 2023

The theme of the event in the Paul VI Audience Hall will be “Let us learn from boys and girls.” 

The Sept. 30 prayer service, called “Together,” which was organized by the ecumenical community Taizé, included eight minutes of silence for personal prayer. | Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis Calls Silence "essential" at Prayer Vigil for Synod on Synodality

Sep 30, 2023

Pope Francis told those gathered at an ecumenical prayer vigil days before the opening of the Synod on Synodality that silence is essential for Christians.

Bishop Georg Bätzing addresses journalists on Sept 28, 2023. | Credit: Martin Rothweiler/EWTN Germany

German Bishops Conclude Tense Gathering with all Eyes on Synod on Synodality in Rome

Sep 29, 2023

Conscious of mounting tensions and open defiance around certain issues, the assembly in Wiesbaden served as a charged prelude to more significant debates.

Archbishop Andrew Fuanya Nkea of Bamenda Archdiocese in Cameroon. Credit: ACI Africa

Delegates to Synod on Synodality to Give “no room for distraction”: Archbishop in Cameroon

Sep 25, 2023

Delegates to the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops are not to give “room for distractions” during the meeting scheduled to begin on October 4, a Catholic Bishop in Cameroon has told ACI Africa.     

Credit: TTstudio/Shutterstock

Diocese of Rome: Thousands Expected at Vatican for Ecumenical Prayer Vigil Ahead of Synod

Sep 25, 2023

The prayer service will take place just days before the launch of the 16th General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome over the course of October.

Members of the Inter-Regional Meeting of the Bishops of Southern Africa (IMBISA). Credit: IMBISA

IMBISA Leadership Seeking to Foster “a more inclusive and representative region”

Sep 23, 2023

The leadership of the Inter-Regional Meeting of the Bishops of Southern Africa (IMBISA) bringing together representatives of Catholic Bishops from nine countries of Southern Africa has expressed the commitment to fostering an inclusive regional association.

Official logo of the Synod on Synodality. Credit: Vatican Media

Synod on Synodality: Zambian Catholic Bishop Urges Prayer, “invocation of the Holy Spirit”

Sep 22, 2023

Bishop Edwin Mwansa Mulandu of Mpika Diocese in Zambia has called on the people of God in his Episcopal See to pray for the success of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops set to begin on October 4 in Rome.

Pope Francis led the opening procession of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region from St. Peter's Basilica to the Synod Hall where he led the opening prayer, Oct. 7, 2019. | Credit: Vatican Media

Synod on Synodality: Read the Final List of Delegates

Sep 22, 2023

The Vatican has published the final list of names of those participating in the upcoming Synod on Synodality assembly in October, including laypeople.

Pope Francis addressed pilgrims and tourists at his first outdoor general audience after the summer on Sept. 6, 2023. | Vatican Media

Synod 2023: What has Pope Francis Said about Synodality?

Sep 18, 2023

Synodality isn’t “a chapter in an ecclesiology textbook” or a “fad or a slogan to be bandied about in our meetings,” the pope has emphasized.

Archbishop Gabriel Mbilingi of Angola’s Lubango Archdiocese. Credit: CEAST

Confirmation Candidates at Angolan Catholic Parish Urged to Witness Christian Values

Sep 16, 2023

Recipients of the Sacrament of Confirmation are expected to champion the Christian values of love, forgiveness, peace and justice in their respective communities, Archbishop Gabriel Mbilingi of Angola’s Lubango Archdiocese has said. 

Members of the Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCD) at their Monastery in Kenya's Kisii Diocese together with Caroline Kavita and Ndanu Mung'ala, who facilitated a two-day workshop on the Synod on Synodality - August 2-3.  Credit: African Synodality Initiative (ASI)

“A blessed opportunity”: Facilitators on Synodal Encounter with Nuns at Kenyan Monastery

Aug 29, 2023

Facilitators of a formation workshop on the Synod on Synodality with members the Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCD) at a Kenyan Monastery have lauded the encounter with the Cloistered contemplative Nuns as “a blessed opportunity” in promoting the synodal process among “people in ministry”. 

Pope Francis speaks at the general audience on Aug. 23, 2023. | Vatican Media

Pope Francis: Synod "truly important" Despite Being "of little interest to general public"

Aug 26, 2023

Pope Francis acknowledged Saturday that the upcoming Synod on Synodality may be “of little interest to the general public,” but underlined that the synod is “truly important” for the Catholic Church.

Fr. Vitalis Chinedu Anaehobi. Credit: ACI Africa

RECOWA Official Faults “embargos” on Niger, Decries Deteriorating Humanitarian Situation

Aug 22, 2023

The Secretary General for the Reunion of Episcopal Conferences of West Africa (RECOWA) has condemned the financial and trade restrictions imposed on Niger by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in response to the country’s July 26 military coup that ousted President Mohamed Bazoum from power, noting that the restrictions have plunged the population into deep suffering.

Archbishop Ignace Bessi Dogbo (right) of Korhogo Archdiocese in Ivory Coast; Archbishop Robert Christopher Ndlovu (left) of Zimbambwe’s Harare Archdiocese; and Bishop Lucio Andrice Muandula (center) of Xai-Xai Diocese in Mozambique. Credit: Vatican Media, ACI Africa,

Synod on Synodality: The Three Papal Nominees from Africa

Aug 19, 2023

From the full list of some 364 participants in the October 4-29 Synod on Synodality in Rome, 67 of them are from Africa. Pope Francis directly named 120 delegates, three of them from Africa.  

Sheila Pires, Secretary of the Synod on Synodality Commission for Information (on the right) makes a presentation at the delegates meeting in Nairobi, Kenya.  Credit: ACI Africa

Mozambican Journalist Appointed to Synod Commission Gearing up for Rome

Aug 19, 2023

Away from the excitement, joy and a bit of anxiety that Sheila Pires felt when Pope Francis appointed her as Secretary of the Synod on Synodality Commission for Information, the veteran Mozambican journalist is all set for the big role that awaits her at the October 4-29 meeting of Bishops in Rome.

Delegates representing Africa in the October Synod on Synodality during their preparatory seminar in Nairobi, Kenya. Credit: ACI Africa

African Pre-Synodal Seminar Lauded as “opportunity to set priorities” ahead of Rome Synod

Aug 18, 2023

Delegates representing Africa in the October Synod on Synodality assembly in Rome have concluded their preparatory seminar in Nairobi Kenya, describing it as timely, and an opportunity to focus on what they will be presenting at the assembly.

Nuns sing and pray during a Mass celebrated by Pope Francis near the Catholic martyrs' shrine of Namugongo, Kampala, Uganda, Saturday, Nov. 28, 2015. (photo: Andrew Medichini / AP)

The Catholic Church in Africa is a Blessing

Aug 14, 2023

When participants gather in Rome at this fall’s Synod on Synodality to reflect how the global Catholic Church can better communicate the saving love of Jesus for all humanity, a vast continental contrast in opinions will be on prominent display. And the tension can be summed up by two opposing questions.

Official logo of the Synod on Synodality. Credit: Vatican Media

SECAM Seminar to Prepare Delegates from Africa for October Synod in Rome

Aug 11, 2023

For three days starting August 15, participants from Africa who will take part in the upcoming Synod on Synodality assembly in October will be meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, to gain “a deep knowledge and clear understanding” of the details of the Synod.

Delegates during the March 1-6 SECAM Plenary Assembly in Ethiopia’s capital city, Addis Ababa. Credit: ACI Africa

Catholic Bishops in Africa to Focus on “practical experience of Synodality” on SECAM Day

Jul 27, 2023

Members of the Symposium of Episcopal Conference of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) are expected to deliberate on the “practical experience” of the Synod on Synodality on the occasion of the annual SECAM Day.