Reflecting on Jesus’ parable comparing the kingdom of God to a mustard seed, the pope said Christians should have an attitude of “confident expectation” in the Lord.
Pope Francis at the G7 summit on Friday stressed that human dignity requires that the decisions of artificial intelligence be under the control of human beings.
Pope Francis took the stage in front of over 100 comedians and humorists, including Americans Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and Conan O’Brien.
A group of 20 theologians concluded an evaluation of 107 synod reports from national bishops’ conferences and Eastern Catholic Churches following meetings in Rome.
Pope Francis this week urged Christians around the world to share in the suffering of the poor and to commune with them through the act of prayer.
Pope Francis said Thursday a synodal spirit asks us to react with empathy to the suffering and painful experiences of others.
The study document is the first Vatican text since Vatican II to outline the entire ecumenical debate on papal primacy.
On June 12, 1944, Pius XII gave an enthusiastic speech in English thanking the members of the 38th (Irish) Brigade as he welcomed them to the Vatican.
Speaking at his Wednesday catechesis on June 12, the pope explained that the goal of a homily is to “help move the Word of God from the book to life.”
The document, titled “The Bishop of Rome: Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Dialogue and Responses to the Encyclical Ut Unum Sint,” will be released June 13.
Titled “Black Holes, Gravitational Waves, and Space-Time Singularities,” the June 17-21 workshop is the second international conference celebrating the legacy of Father Lemaître, who is called the father of the Big Bang theory.
The Vatican Press Office reported that during a closed-door meeting, the pope returned to the topic of the admission of men “with homosexual tendencies to seminaries.”
Speaking in his Angelus address on June 9, the pope asked people to contemplate the temptations that can imprison us and the freedom found in Christ
The Holy Father's remarks came during the 4th International Meeting of Choirs at the Vatican.
“More than 365 million Christians, approximately 1 in 7, face high levels of persecution for their faith,” Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher said.
As part of the “School of Prayer” initiative, the Holy Father met Thursday with about 30 families from the parish of St. Brigid of Sweden in Rome.
The pontiff asked for prayers as he prepares to publish the document in September.
The June 4–13 closed-door gathering of experts in theology, ecclesiology, and canon law is being held at the Jesuit general curia down the street from the Vatican.
Speaking in St. Peter’s Square during his weekly public audience, the pope gave the second lesson in a series of catechesis on the Holy Spirit and the Church.
The 87-year-old pope does not have any public Masses on his schedule for eight weeks in July and August, according to the official schedule published this week.