The encyclical, issued on Oct. 24, examines the transformative power of Jesus’ heart as a font of healing for a divided world.
Apostolic prefect of Battambang in Cambodia Father Enrique “Kike” Figaredo presented Pope Francis with a wheelchair made by land mine survivors in Cambodia.
Archbishop Bruno Forte of Chieti-Vasto, Italy, presented Dilexit Nos (“He Loved Us”) at a press conference at the Vatican on Oct. 24.
Here are some of the most inspiring quotes from Pope Francis in his new encyclical “Dilexit Nos” on the divine and human love of the heart of Jesus Christ.
The Synod on Synodality final document is set to be discussed and voted on this weekend. What will be in it?
Cardinal Francis Prevost said the question of the selection process for bishops and the way in which it is carried out has been one of the issues discussed at the synod.
“What can the Holy Spirit have to do with marriage, for example? A great deal, perhaps the essential…” the pope said during his general audience Oct. 23.
Cardinal Víctor Fernández at a speech at the general congregation on Oct. 21 recalled that for the Holy Father the question of the female diaconate “is not ripe.”
How has the Synod on Synodality impacted the Catholic Church in Africa? And, in turn, how has the Church in Africa impacted the global synodal process?
The encyclical, titled “Dilexit Nos,” meaning “he has loved us,” will be published on Oct. 24.
In a Holy Mass in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, October 20, Pope Francis declared three nineteenth-century founders of Religious Orders and the eleven “Martyrs of Damascus” as Saints to be venerated by the global Catholic Church.
Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF), has reportedly apologized for what he called a “misunderstanding” regarding his absence from an Oct. 18 meeting of synod delegates about a Vatican study group on women’s roles in the Church.
The focus going forward will be the writing and editing of the Synod on Synodality’s final document.
Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich drew attention to the upcoming Nov. 5 U.S. elections and stressed the importance of seeing the person behind the opinion.
One gets the impression that many Synod on Synodality participants view the subject of local Churches as a kind of Trojan horse.
At the forums, speakers drew heavily on the Church’s dogmatic constitution from Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, in their defenses of synodality.
The 14 soon-to-be saints each exemplified heroic virtue and witnessed to holiness within their unique vocations, including two married men.
The pope said “the climate of dialogue between the two Churches has lost the acrimony of the past and today allows us to hope for full mutual acceptance.”
“It's the one Church, it’s the one faith, and we want to keep celebrating that even amidst our cultural diversity,” Australian Archbishop Anthony Fisher said.
“It gives us an insight into culture and also faith and history,” Father Terence Hogan said in an interview with EWTN News.