The Catholic Archbishop of Nigeria’s Abuja Archdiocese has called upon Christian leaders to prioritize the salvation of the souls of the people of God under their pastoral care, rather than money and luxury living.
The vice of corruption is pervasive and widespread in the West African nation of Nigeria, with perpetrators hell bent on diverting what “belongs to all” to themselves, Archbishop Ignatius Ayau Kaigama of the country’s Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja has said.
The Catholic Archbishop of Nigeria’s Abuja Archdiocese has expressed spiritual solidarity with the hundreds of students and women abducted in the recent past in the West African nation.
Catholics residing in pastoral areas created by Nigeria’s Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja after they were displaced by Boko Haram Insurgency in the North Eastern part of the country have appealed for support, through the Archbishop, to rebuild their lives.
The high cost of living in general and the “exorbitant cost” of foodstuff in particular has subjected the people of God in Nigeria to “a compulsory fast”, Archbishop Ignatius Ayau Kaigama of the country’s Abuja Archdiocese has said.
The government of the West African nation of Nigeria needs to act with speed and in a structured and strategic way to address “worsening economic hardships” of the people God in the country, the Archbishop of Abuja has said.
There is a need for Christians to foster unity amid deliberate attempts to cause them suffering and even death, the Catholic Archbishop of Nigeria’s Abuja Archdiocese has said.
Authority used for “personal gains” is abuse of power, the Local Ordinary Abuja Archdiocese in Nigeria has said.
“Our joy must outweigh every sorrow,” Archbishop of Abuja Archdiocese in Nigeria has said in his homily on December 17, Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent that invites the people of God to “rejoice always” as is captured in Philippians 4:4.
The Catholic Church needs to prioritize the formation of the Laity to facilitate their growth in faith principles, Archbishop Ignatius Ayau Kaigama of Nigeria’s Abuja Archdiocese has said.
The airstrike involving a military drone that reportedly killed 85 people and injured dozens in Nigeria’s Kaduna State, though “accidental”, is part of the West African nation’s continued loss of “innocent lives” despite the “expended huge resources”, the Catholic Archbishop of the country’s Abuja Archdiocese has said.
The Archbishop of Nigeria’s Abuja Archdiocese has decried various forms of corruption in the West African country which he likens to a “ministry”, noting that people have normalized using shortcuts in getting what they want.
Godfrey Okoye University (GOUNI), a Catholic institution of higher learning under the auspices of Nigeria’s Enugu Diocese, is facilitating the sharing of ideas among students and faculty drawn from “most” Nigerian States, a Catholic Archbishop in the West African nation has said.
The Archbishop of Abuja in Nigeria has raised concern about crumbling families in the West African country and called on the government to investigate, and if possible, to address the causes of the country’s weakening family structures.
Fr. Peter Hassan, a member of the Clergy of Nigeria’s Jalingo Diocese, has been lauded for his ability to “transcend narrow ethnic boundaries”, embracing “all without prejudice, jealousy, or hatred” in his 25 years of Priestly ministry.
The practice of forgiveness is the “only way” to bring an end to violence in Nigeria, Archbishop Ignatius Ayau Kaigama of the country’s Abuja Archdiocese has said.
The Archbishop of Nigeria’s Abuja Archdiocese has urged the people of God in the West African nation to address the “real problems” they face, and cautioned against the use of religion to foster a culture of violence in the country.
Political leaders in Nigeria need to go beyond the “attractive packages” that accompany their positions in government, and bear the leadership burden “with good cheer”, the Catholic Archbishop of the country’s Abuja Archdiocese has said.
Recently appointed officials in Nigerian States need “to stick” to the principles that were outlined in the manifestos of political parties in the West African nation, the Catholic Archbishop of the country’s Abuja Archdiocese has said.
The outgoing Apostolic Nuncio in Nigeria has fostered the spreading of the Gospel during his years of service in the West African nation, the Archbishop of Abuja has said.