Speaking to Catholic pilgrims from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland on Feb. 3, the pope shared a special message for young people.
The pontiff opened the two-day summit on Feb. 3 with a reflection on the many ways children are oppressed today, including living through war and poverty.
Pope Francis, reflecting on the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, says it serves as a reminder that Jesus is salvation for all peoples and our light.
The World Day for Consecrated Life, celebrated annually on Feb. 2, takes on special significance this year as the Church looks to a Jubilee of Consecrated Life.
In a virtual meeting, Pope Francis urged young Ukrainians to maintain hope and continue dialogue despite the ravages of war.
The pontiff addressed the topic of marriage’s indissolubility, or permanence, in a meeting with members of the Roman Rota, one of three courts of the Holy See, on Jan. 31.
Pope Francis has expressed concern about the deteriorating security situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities and urgent measures to protect civilians, particularly in the cities of Goma and Kinshasa.
The pope sent a personal message to President Donald Trump on Jan. 30 as search efforts continued in and around the Potomac River where the aircraft crashed.
Reflecting on the Gospel of St. Matthew, the Holy Father said people can learn from the righteous St. Joseph, who was always attentive to the will of God.
Pope Francis has accepted the retirement of Bishop Tarcisius Ngalalekumtwa from the pastoral care of the Catholic Diocese of Iringa in Tanzania and appointed Mons. Romanus Elamu Mihali, Clergy of the country's Mafinga Diocese, as his successor.
“Hope is the mainstay that undergirds Pope Francis’ entire life,” said Carlo Musso, the Italian editor of Pope Francis’ autobiographical work “Hope.”
Speaking to Church communications professionals the pope emphasized the need for a human-centered approach to communication.
Pope Francis also addressed all those “who are ill or who care for the suffering,” telling them: “Your journey together is a sign for everyone.”
“The Word of God is alive: Through the centuries it walks with us and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, it is at work in history,” Pope Francis said.
Pope Francis has appointed Mons. Guy Mukasa Sanon as the Local Ordinary of Burkina Faso’s Catholic Diocese of Nouna and Mons. Diego Ramón Sarrió Cucarella as Bishop of Laghouat Diocese in Algeria.
The written remarks also warned against what the pope termed “brain rot” caused by constant social media scrolling, calling for greater media literacy.
Pope Francis emphasized that hope is “always possible” in Jesus Christ during an ecumenical vespers service marking both the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
“I dream of a communication that does not peddle illusions or fears but is able to give reasons for hope,” the pope said.
More than 3,000 Italians participated in the survey carried out in January, expressing their opinion on the challenges facing the Church and their assessment of the pope.
Pope Francis on Thursday released his message to global leaders attending the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, this week.