Instead of the rich symbolism envisioned by the Church, the altar at Notre Dame displays a misunderstanding of sacramental and liturgical theology.
Saint Anysius was a Martyr of Greece. She was a wealthy woman of Salonika, in Thessaly, who used her personal funds to aid the poor.
Pope Francis has appointed Jean-Pierre Cardinal Kutwa, the Archbishop emeritus of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abidjan in Ivory Coast, to serve as Apostolic Administrator “Sede plena” of the country’s Catholic Diocese of Man.
The leadership of Ethiopia’s Apostolic Vicariate of Awasa has announced that the Holy Door will remain open throughout the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee Year in two places of worship, the Cathedral Parish, and the Parish church of Dilla.
Archbishop Djalwana Laurent Lompo of Niger’s Niamey Catholic Archdiocese is calling upon the people of God to reach out to the needy in society, becoming “more supportive”.
“Never, never this,” Francis said about mobile phones at the family table. “Talk, listen to each other, this is the dialogue that is good for you and that makes you grow!”
Cardinal Baldassare Reina, Pope Francis’ vicar for the Diocese of Rome, described the event as “a gesture that renews our profession of faith in Christ.”
“My thoughts go to the many families in South Korea who are mourning today following the dramatic air accident,” the pope said.
St. Thomas was born in London, England around the year 1117. He was the son of pious parents, and his mother converted to Christianity through the example and teachings of his father. From his early youth, Thomas was educated in religion and holiness.
Members of the Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC) are calling on Christians to reflect on the centrality of the institution of the family, which they term “the nucleus of society and Church”.
Members of the Africa Christian Professionals Forum (ACPF) are calling upon the government of Sierra Leone to “withdraw or amend” the proposed Bill dubbed “Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Care Act 2024”, which seeks to legalize abortion in the West African nation.
Despite constant terrorist attacks suffered by Catholics in Burkina Faso from Islamic fundamentalists, vocations to the priesthood have increased in recent years.
Pope Francis called on Catholics to become “pilgrims of hope” in a BBC podcast, emphasizing that “hope and kindness touch the very heart of the Gospel.”
Despite health challenges, Pope Francis embarked on ambitious travels in 2024, visiting Southeast Asia and Oceania, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Corsica.
The Holy Innocents are the children mentioned in the gospel of Matthew, chapter 2:16-18.
The Catholic Diocese of Nnewi in Nigeria is appealing for prayers for the repose of the soul of Fr. Tobias Chukwujekwu Okonkwo, who was reportedly murdered on Thursday, December 26 by yet to be identified persons.
Members of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) are calling for the realization of a “new humanity” that they say is the reason behind the Nativity of Jesus Christ.
Sierra Leone’s proposed Bill that is dubbed “Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Care Act 2024” should be rejected, Bishop Bob John Hassan Koroma of the country’s Catholic Diocese of Makeni has told Legislators of the West African nation.
Christmas offers an opportunity for Christians to renew their commitment to the virtues of “love, peace, and reconciliation”, embracing the true spirit of the person of Jesus Christ, Bishop Emmanuel Adetoyese Badejo of Nigeria’s Catholic Diocese of Oyo has said.
The intimate Mass led by Pope Francis marked a historic moment — the first opening of a jubilee Holy Door within a prison.