
Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Let’s “do something”: Catholic Bishop on Supporting Flood Victims in Angolan Province

Jan 14, 2024

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has appealed for support for victims of floods in the country’s Bengo Province.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

“Be more responsible”: Catholic Bishop in Angola to Drivers amid Surge in Road Accidents

Jan 11, 2024

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has weighed in on the reported spike in road accidents in the Southern African nation, and called for responsible driving. 

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto during a press conference at CEAST Secretariat in Luanda. Credit: ACI Africa

“Take action”: Bishops in Angola Want State to Ban Churches Disregarding Family Values

Nov 17, 2023

Catholic Bishops in Angola have called on the state to take action against churches that undermine the “life and social harmony of families.”

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Bishop in Angola Advocates for Wisdom in Management of Country’s Resources

Nov 13, 2023

Several decades after independence, Angola is still lagging behind in development and cannot feed her people, a Bishop in the Southern African country has said, and appealed for wisdom for those who manage the country’s resources.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Bishop in Angola Cautions Companies Against Wasting Food, “be sensitive to the poor”

Nov 12, 2023

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has called on companies and businesses that deal in food to sell their products at affordable prices instead of waiting for the products to go bad only to throw them away.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Bishop in Angola Encourages Young People to “keep the faith” amid Challenges

Nov 8, 2023

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has encouraged young people in his Episcopal See to “keep the faith” despite the numerous challenges they face.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Mission Sunday: Catholic Bishop in Angola Urges PMC to “be authentic missionaries”

Oct 23, 2023

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has urged members of the Diocesan Pontifical Missionary Childhood (PMC) to be engaged in the mission of the Church as “authentic missionaries”.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Bishop in Angola Cautions against Selfishness and Greed, Calls for Stewardship

Oct 14, 2023

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has cautioned the people of God in the Southern African nation against greed and selfish tendencies, and called for the fostering of stewardship and the common good.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Bishop in Angola Directs Parishes to Set Up “appropriate” Catechesis Facilities

Oct 4, 2023

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has directed Catholic Parishes in his Episcopal See to work towards establishing “appropriate” facilities for catechesis that would see an end to having catechetical classes under trees.

Fathers Domingos Filipe Isildo, Dário Bento Caxicula Francisca and Evaristo Rubem Econgo ordained 24 September 2023. Credit: Caxito Catholic News

“Be faithful and zealous”: Catholic Bishop in Angola to Newly Ordained Priests

Sep 28, 2023

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has challenged the three Deacons he ordained to the Priesthood on September 24 to be “faithful and zealous” in their ministry.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

“Upgrade your teaching methods”: Catholic Bishop in Angola to Catechists

Sep 20, 2023

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has challenged Catechists in his Episcopal See to consider revising their methods of reaching catechism, to facilitate a better understanding of the Church doctrine as they practice their vocation in this era and time. 

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto during the July 12 press conference at CEAST Secretariat in Luanda. Credit: ACI Africa

Catholic Bishops in Angola Advocate for Municipal Government Structure

Jul 13, 2023

Catholic Bishops in Angola are advocating for the municipal structure of governance, which they say is capable of realizing “local solutions” to the challenges in the Southern African nation.

Bishop Maurício Camuto of Angola’s Diocese of Caxito. Credit: Courtesy Photo

Catholic Bishop Faults Angolans Who Downplay National Health, Education Facilities

Jul 2, 2023

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has faulted citizens of the Southern African nation who downplay the education and health facilities in the countries.