

Archbishop Philip Subira Anyolo of Nairobi Archdiocese. Credit: ADN

Life Has to Continue after General Elections: Catholic Archbishop to Electorate in Kenya

Aug 8, 2022

The Local Ordinary of Nairobi Archdiocese in Kenya has urged voters in the East African nation to be prepared to accept the outcome of the Tuesday, August 9 general elections because life has to continue after the polls.

Faith based leaders in Kenya during the joint prayer meeting with the IEBC on Wednesday, August 3. Credit: Courtesy Photo.

Conduct Credible Elections, “seal any loopholes”: Kenya’s Faith Leaders to Electoral Body

Aug 4, 2022

Religious leaders in Kenya have urged the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to conduct Kenya’s August 9 general elections in a manner that does not trigger doubts about their credibility.

Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB). Credit: KCCB

Prepare Supporters for “any result”: Catholic Bishops in Kenya to Political Candidates

Aug 1, 2022

Catholic Bishops in Kenya have urged political candidates in the East African to prepare their respective supporters to accept the outcome of the poll scheduled for August 9. 

Bishop Joseph Mwongela of Kitui Diocese reading the message of members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB). Credit: Courtesy Photo

Elect Candidates “who worry about our environment”: Bishops in Kenya ahead of Elections

Jul 25, 2022

Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) have urged the electorate in Kenya to consider political candidates’ track record in environmental conservation during the general elections scheduled to take place on August 9.

Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB). Credit: KCCB

End “tribal animosity, violence that comes with every election”: Catholic Bishops in Kenya

Jul 18, 2022

Catholic Bishops have urged Kenyans to avoid tribal clashes that have previously characterized the country’s electioneering period, and instead embrace “cultural diversity”. 

Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB). Credit: KCCB

Be Law Abiding ahead of Elections, Transitions: Bishops in Kenya to Civil Servants

Jul 13, 2022

Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) have called upon civil servants in the East African nation to abide by the law and remain faithful in their service to citizens ahead of the general elections on August 9 elections and expected changes in political leadership of the country.

Participants at the seventh edition of Kenya’s Catholic Schools’ Principals Association (CaSPA) conference in Nairobi. Credit: Courtesy Photo

Principals of Catholic Schools in Kenya Urged to Ensure “a distinctive Catholic identity”

Jul 6, 2022

Principals of Catholic Schools in Kenya have been urged to ensure “a distinctive Catholic identify” in their respective institutions of learning.

Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB). Credit: KCCB

Catholic Bishops in Kenya Say “courts should prepare” to Handle Election Disputes

Jul 5, 2022

Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) have urged officials of Kenyan judiciary to “prepare themselves” to handle poll-related disputes ahead of the August 9 general elections.

Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB). Credit: KCCB

Catholic Bishops in Kenya Caution against “careless voting”, Advocate for Servant Leaders

Jun 20, 2022

Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) are calling on the electorate in Kenya to examine political candidates on the basis of their “vision” for service if they are not to engage in “careless voting”.

Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB). Credit: KCCB

In Vote-seeking Endeavors, “keep away from people's misfortunes”: Bishops in Kenya

Jun 18, 2022

Catholic Bishops in Kenya have cautioned political candidates against taking advantage of the electorate’s “misfortunes and especially funerals” to promote own personal interests.

Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB). Credit:  KCCB

Catholic Bishops in Kenya “demand from (political) aspirants more respect for the voter”

Jun 10, 2022

Catholic Bishops in Kenya have cautioned political aspirants against the tendency to demean voters ahead of the August 9 general elections, saying such behavior goes “against the spirit of responsible leadership”.

Catholic Media houses in the Archdiocese of Nairobi in Kenya displaying their work at the Holy Family Minor Basilica on the World Communications Day celebrated on Sunday, May 29. Credit: ACI Africa

Let’s Report Differently “from secular media agencies”: Catholic Bishops in Kenya

May 30, 2022

Catholic Bishops in Kenya have challenged communicators who profess the Catholic faith to take into account their Christian faith when reporting. 

Some members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) during a press conference May 27. Credit: Radio Waumini/Facebook

Do Not Elect Political Candidates with Pro-abortion Tendencies: Catholic Bishops in Kenya

May 27, 2022

Catholic Bishops in Kenya have urged the people of God in the East African country to evaluate political candidates seeking to be elected in the August 9 general elections so that they can vote in pro-life leaders.

Archbishop Anthony Muheria addressing members of the Kenya Editors’ Guild (KEG) in Nairobi on 11 May 2022. Credit: Courtesy Photo

Credible Journalism Can Still Make You Money, Catholic Archbishop in Kenya Tells Media

May 12, 2022

The Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Nyeri in Kenya has told media houses in the East African nation to practice credible journalism, noting that the media houses will still make money if they serve people with truth.

Bishop Paul Kariuki Njiru, Chairman of the Commission for Education and Religious Education of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB). Credit: KCCB

Make Schools in Kenya Drug Free for Learners “to excel well”: Catholic Bishop

May 4, 2022

The Catholic Bishop at the helm of the Commission for Education and Religious Education (CERE) in Kenya has called upon learners and the management of schools in the East African country to use all means possible to eradicate drugs from learning institutions in order to improve their academic performance.

Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB). Credit: KCCB

Catholic Bishops in Kenya Say Country’s Third President Set Good Example for Leaders

Apr 26, 2022

Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) have paid tribute to the country’s former president, Emilio Stanley Mwai Kibaki, saying that the President who died on April 21 set a good example that should be emulated by others in public office.

Christopher Muindi and his wife, Glory Gakii Muindi. Credit: Mr. Muindi.

Kenyan Catholic Couple Using Life Experience to Advocate for Natural Family Planning

Apr 12, 2022

A Catholic couple in Kenya that battled health conditions owing to the use of contraceptives is using the experiences to encourage the use of Natural Family Planning (NFP).

Archbishop Maurice Muhatia Makumba blessing the different groups of people who attended his Saturday, March 19 Installation as Local Ordinary of the Archdiocese of Kisumu. Credit: ACI Africa

New Catholic Archbishop in Kenya Pledges to Deepen Evangelization in Metropolitan See

Mar 20, 2022

The newly installed Archbishop of Kenya’s Archdiocese of Kisumu has noted with admiration the great work done by his predecessors and promised to deepen evangelization in the Kenyan Metropolitan See.

Members of the National Council of Churches of Kenya - NCCK. Credit: NCCK

Kenya’s Religious Leaders to Embark on Civic Education ahead of General Elections

Mar 17, 2022

Representatives of religious leaders in Kenya have said that plans are underway for them to spearhead civic education targeting their respective members as the East African nation prepares for general elections in August.

Credit: Africa Center for Strategic Studies

Catholic Archbishops in Kenya Underscore Need for Peaceful, Just and Honest Elections

Feb 22, 2022

Three Catholic Archbishops in Kenya have, in separate interviews with ACI Africa, called on the people of God in the East African nation to work toward peaceful, just and honest general elections scheduled to take place on August 9.