“[The final document] participates in the ordinary magisterium of the successor of Peter, and as such, I ask that it be accepted," Pope Francis wrote in a Nov. 25 note about the 52-page document.
During his homily and Angelus address, the Holy Father repeated his plea for Catholics to show their closeness to the poor through gestures of care.
The pope declared that part of the archives and library be moved to a building on extraterritorial Vatican property at the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran.
During his Angelus address Sunday, Pope Francis asked his listeners to consider the qualities necessary for good leadership.
“I wished to greet the Virgen de los Desamparados,” the pope told the crowds of pilgrims at the Vatican after placing a white rose before her statue.
Every Sunday, Pope Francis appears at a window overlooking St. Peter’s Square to give a brief spiritual reflection before leading the Angelus prayer.
Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich drew attention to the upcoming Nov. 5 U.S. elections and stressed the importance of seeing the person behind the opinion.
At the forums, speakers drew heavily on the Church’s dogmatic constitution from Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, in their defenses of synodality.
The original plan had been to release the memoir after his death. However, the pope decided to publish in light of the upcoming 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope.
Pope Francis will add 21 members to the College of Cardinals at a consistory at the Vatican in December.
On Dec. 8, Pope Francis will preside at a Mass with the College of Cardinals in St. Peter’s Basilica.
The prayer campaign sends a daily email with guidance on how to pray for the “adopted” Synod on Synodality participant.
Speakers claimed an important part of synodality is implementing the proper understanding of a bishop’s authority in his diocese.
According to Cardinal Kurt Koch, the imperative for all Christian churches to journey, pray, and cooperate is Jesus’ own priestly prayer recorded in John 17.
In his letter to Catholics in the Middle East, the Holy Father expressed his closeness with those “who dwell in the lands of which the Scriptures speak most often.”
In his Sunday Angelus address, the Holy Father asked couples to reflect on whether their married life is fully open to the gift of children.
On the eve of the one-year anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel, the pope implored Our Lady, Queen of Peace, to “dispel the dark clouds of evil.”
“Never can a bishop, or any other Christian, think of himself ‘without others,’” Pope Francis said Wednesday at the first meeting of the 2024 Synod on Synodality.
Cardinal Mario Grech opened a two-day retreat on Monday for participants of the second session of the Synod on Synodality.
Before flying to the neighboring country of Belgium on the afternoon of Sept. 26, the 87-year-old pope spent one day visiting the tiny but wealthy Luxembourg.